Peter's a Mum

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3rd Person POV

A beautiful day it was, so beautiful that nothing was bound to go wrong. Well, that's what Peter thought.

He aced his Spanish test, 100% like always. Survived History, and slept a couple of minutes during the boring class. Science was always his best subject, so he always did well. Peter was happy, Flash was absent, which meant no taunting today! Peter was the happiest ever. No crimes during patrol, except for a few tourists needing help on the way around NYC; which was very rare for such a vast city.

After a few hours of his patrol, Peter decided to head back to the Tower and do his homework. When he entered the tower, he did not expect such a thing to occur...

(づ◔ ͜ʖ◔)づ During Peter's Patrol

Bruce's POV

I was extremely careful when handling the staffs from Asgard, and I tried not to turn anyone, or myself, into a baby. We were in such a pickle when Peter accidentally turned to a kid. Thank Loki the spell wore off. I don't think I would take it any longer if a baby crawled all over my science projects.

I hear soft footsteps on the top of me. I look up to see vents. Wait, vents. Who crawls through vents? A sudden realisation hit me. Clint. Uh oh.

The next thing I remember was a purple, shimmery light hit me and spread out across the room, and escape the walls. That's when I fainted.

Peter's POV


They're crawling everywhere! And they're in Avenger costumes. Wait, it can't be possible. No, that's too hard to believe! Are these the Avengers?

 No, that's too hard to believe! Are these the Avengers?

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Headcount, okay, only 7 babies. Bucky, Sam and Rhodey are away on a mission. Pepper's on a business trip. Wait, is that Loki? Oh, now how am I gonna fix this?! I gather all the babies and lay them on the couch. Where am I going to find a sorcerer?

Hold on a sec, DOCTOR STRANGE!

But he's on the other side of NYC! Ugh!!! I guess I could just take them there. IF ONLY THEY WEREN'T BABIES! I'm dead. I grab a big pram, fit for only 4 babies. Well, I guess Hulk can have his own since he'll squish the others to death if he had to share. So, Hulk in one compartment, Thor and Loki sharing one since they are brothers. Clint and Natasha can share since they're best friends. And Tony and Steve could share one too.

There! Now, how am I going to sneak them around NYC without causing too much attention? What? I'm like a 15-year-old kid pushing around seven babies (one who looks mutated) around in a pram!

I check the weather in the city, just my luck! It's bloody raining! Wait, I can use those pram cover thingy-ma-jigs and cover the kids! But I'll still get soaked. I'll need to pack some food, milk, clothes, nappies (I might as well just die right now) and my Spider-man suit, just in case. Now let's go!

(づ◔ ͜ʖ◔)づ Let the travelling montage commence!

1. Get out of the Tower without raising suspicion

I used the back door, and Happy wasn't there, so I was fine.

2. Go through a deserted park so others won't see me

Although there was an elderly couple sitting on a bench, I just smiled at them, and they smiled back, so I was fine.

3. Feed the babies

Clint kept on throwing the food at me! No wonder he's so childish, he hasn't even lost his baby traits!

4. Go into a public toilet and change their nappies

Never, ever doing that ever in my life again. Ever.

5. Safely, cross the road, and get to '177A Bleecker Street' door number '221B'

I did get many confused stares though, I felt so awkward; at least the kids were sound asleep.

So here I am. Dr Strange's home. I knock on the door once. No answer. I knock on it again, this time, louder. I hear a click.

"Peter? What are you doing here?" It was Strange! I was so happy, he could get the Avengers sorted! "Not here, we'll need to talk inside."

(づ◔ ͜ʖ◔)づ After a lot of explanation

Dr Strange took the babies into a room and I entered after, he then started the magic. He grabbed many old, tattered books and mumbled something which I couldn't exactly hear. Then, a gold gleam of light circled the babies, who were now on the bed, and they were transforming.

One by one, they turned back, looking all dizzy. Then they all blushed in embarrassment. I felt my face heat up too. I HAD TO CHANGE THE AVENGER'S NAPPIES! I HAD TO FEED THEM! TO CLEAN THEM! TO EVEN PUT THEM INTO SLEEP!

Oh dear Odin, I had a lot of explaining to do.

{A/N} PLEASE READ! THIS IS IMPORTANT! I will not be posting on April 1st to April 5th because I am going on a residential trip to Wales. Sorry for the inconvenience!

This story was inspired by one of my friends, called Saira

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