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{A/N} Someone please send me a suggestion! My ideas are running out!

The Avengers were training outside in their newly, installed back yard. The yard had many dummies, weapons, targets and more just to help boost the superhero's skills.

For instance, Clint had a bow and arrow, and he also had moving targets to help with his aiming. Peter had very abstract walls and curves to help with his ability to stick to walls. Natasha was already breaking dummies with her bare hands, but no one cared because, well... she's Black Widow.

Loki and Wanda were using their telekinesis powers to fight their adapted dummies until a random taco fell on Sam. Sam screamed like a young girl and fell over all the bows and arrows.

"Some hero he is," Clint muttered in anger of his bows and arrows being misplaced. "Hey! I heard that!" Sam boomed at his friend. Bucky just furrowed his eyebrows and looked at the perfectly landed taco on his best friend's head.

"Nevermind that, where the hell did that taco come from?" Bucky asked, narrowing his eyebrows at it. Sam took the taco off his head and threw it in the bin. Peter chuckled and made a sarcastic remark, "It's raining tacos."

Everyone groaned at the comment, remembering that it was only last Tuesday when Ned started blaring that annoying song throughout the Tower (with the help of Friday) in the middle of the night!

Suddenly, a taco hit a sunbathing Tony in the face. Tony smacked the taco off his face and rubbed his throbbing nose. "For the love of all things green! Who keeps dropping tacos?" Tony was furious and the others gulped. They knew better than to interrupt Tony while he was sunbathing.

2 more tacos fell on the floor and everyone looked up. The sky was clear, with no clouds and it was a hot summers day. Where were all these tacos coming from? Suddenly a huge amount of spersed tacos started falling to the ground.

"It's literally raining tacos!" Peter screamed as he ran inside the building for protection, the others following suit; what they didn't know was that Thor was up in Asgard throwing tacos at them seeking revenge for his missing pop-tarts. 

Avengers One-shots | CRACK-FIC | MARVEL AU ✔Where stories live. Discover now