A Strange Doctor

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This was suggested by Dr-Facilier

Peter's POV

The Soul World sucks. I mean, there's nothing to do other than make structures with my webs! I would have at least died with my phone or something. And there's this wizard dude (whose name I forgot, but never mind that) and he is always trying to look after me. Like dude. I don't even know the guy's name and he's trying to be my dad.

I walk up to the man with a goatee, damn, he looks exactly like Mr Stark. "Hey, um, wizard dude?" I say as the man stops his meditation and looks up at me. "Yes, kid?" He answers. He even speaks like Mr Stark!

"Uh, I don't really wanna call you wizard dude so I kinda need to know your name," I say as I awkwardly rub the back of my neck and give him a wonky smile. The wizard dude stands up and sticks out a hand.

"So, you're Peter Parker. Well then, I'm Stephen Strange," He says while sticking his hand out. I look at him, then smirk. I saw the man conjuring a Harry Potter book and reading it once so I bet he would understand this reference.

"Wanna be friends?" He asks in a monotonic voice.

"I tHiNk I cAn TeLl ThE wRoNg SoRt FoR mYsElF tHaNkS!" I scream and run away. I can hear Strange chuckling from behind me. That was fun.

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