There Are No Lies (a zayn malik fanfiction)

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zayns p.o.v 

i dont know why managment made us take this job but now we are judging singers on wether or not they are good. this is like the same show as american idol but for Britain except then we split them and be there mentors. i hate telling people that they arent good singers.

ryans p.o.v 

im so nervous. i cant believe my friends talked me into this. they say i am a great singer but i just dont see it. i have my brown shoulder length hair krimped and im wearing skinny jeans with my favorite pink flowy shirt. i had a number pinned on my shirt. i was so nervous especially since i am singing infront one direction. i am a big fan because they helped me get through so much in my life. i heard my named called so i could wait on the side of the stage. i gave my two friends, maya and august , hugs and walked over to the door. i took a deep breath and walked through the man standing there told me to "go wait on the side till the host comes and talks to you, we will be live so dont make a fool of yourelf." i did as he told me and waited for the host at the side of the stage.  

he came and stood by me. then he finally told me to go and perform on stage. i took one more deep breath and walked on stage.

zayns p.o.v 

so far no one has been that good of a singer even though a couple have gone through. the next contestant came out and my breath was taken away right away i hoped she could sing good so then i could be her mentor.

ryans p.o.v 

i walked to the x on the stage and smiled. 

harry spoke first asked,"hi love whats your name." 

"my names ryan" 

"how old are you"liam asked next. 

"i turned 19 today actually." 

zayn smiled and said,"well happy birthday and what will you be performing for us" 

"i will be singing you havent seen the last of me by cher from the movie burlesque." 

"ok you can start" niall said smiling.  

i heared the music started i wanted for my count and started to sing the song. i sang as well as i ever could. after the song ended i had a huge grin on my face i was so happy i had sung in front of all these people perfectly. the host walked out and complemented me"good job ryan"  

i replied with thank you. 

"well boys what do you think." the host asked. 

the first to speak was louis, "hi love i did very good i say yes you get to go through." 

all the other boys said yes. 

"how does it feel to be the first one to get all yeses tonight." 

" really good"i said still smiling. 

"well thank you." the host said. 

"thank you" i said before walking or more running of stage. i saw my two best friends and ran at them. i gave them a huge hug. 

"you did great" they both said at the same time. 

"well its time to go pack girls. we are moving on and yall are coming with me cause im aloud to bring 2 friends1" i said really excitedly. "but first we get to meet the judges after the show!" 

all 3 of us were huge directioners. we sat backstage watching the show. at the end of the show august turned to me and whispered,"i think your the best singer here." and maya agreed. i blushed at my friends coments. after the show my friends and i were all pushed in a dressing room. when i looked around i wondered why we were in here because this isnt where we are supposed to be meeting the other people who made it through and one direction. after a couple minutes my questions were answered because one direction walked through the door. "hi" they all chorused giving us hugs. i noticed zayn hugged me a little longer than all the other boys but i just shrugged it off. we introduced ourselves to the boys and then i asked, " so why are we back here?"  

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