Hi everyone

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I wrote this story because I love Spiderman and Tom Holland.
I hope u guys like it.
One more thing before you start ENGLISH IS NOT MY LANGUAGE so there can be some grammatical mistakes

One more thing I am gonna make Peter like a bad boy like he is the good Peter Parker at school and bad boy spiderman have the time of his life. He has dated few girls in the school but when he gets bored with them he just leaves them and than finds another to make out with. It was like this until (Y/n) and his lips met . He just can't stop falling for her and she is driving him insane. You may find peter like good boy at first but he not.

Before you start
Y/N- your name
L/N -your last name
Y/Ec- your eye colour
Y/S- Your sister's name
Y/M- Your mother's name
Y/F - Your father's name
Y/Hc- Your hair colour
And in this beautiful world no infinity war happened

The Street Boy (SpidermanXreader)Where stories live. Discover now