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(Y/n prov)
"So he was staring at you I will take it as his first move." My sister said with a giggle.

"And you..." As I was gonna start explaining another event as my mother entered the room with a serious expression on her face, as she said loud and clear.

"(Y/n) we need to talk."


(Peter's prov)
Finally done with my homework now I can relax until unless the neighbourhood need it's friendly neighborhood Spiderman.

So today I met her! I finally did. She in my school and I know her name (Y/n) a beautiful name just like her. May be the destiny really has it, we are suppose to meet, be with each other or may be not just know each others name and that's it.

She wasn't even trying to talk to me. Are we suppose to be just  friends? Are we even friends? Cause we were just looking at each other and not even uttering a single word, not even trying even if we was sitting beside each other. Friends are always comfortable around each other we were just staring at each other and when we caught Each Other we just looked away and we had that awkward silence between us as if we have never met.

What hell is wrong with me!? Did I forgot how to flirt or something?

Is she angry with me? Cause I kissed her. Is she uncomfortable and insecure around me? If that is true then I guess I am the worst person living on planet Earth.

"Peter we need your help." Here comes a call for the friendly neighborhood Spiderman from The Iron man.

Gotta go. I sure (y/n) will talk to me and if not than I will make the first move.

(Y/n prov)

Shit shit shit damn it!!

Did she heard it? Now what's gonna happen to me? Oh my god she is gonna kill me. What if she tells the boss? What is he gonna do with me? Most probably kick me out or kill me.

I turned to my sister who was equally shocked. She pressed her lips hard and slightly lifted her thumb up.

I followed mother down stairs preparing myself for all the worst things that are gonna happen to me like I'll be locked in a dark room for 3 days or a month for this one with no food and water  cause it happened last time when I argued with her to get me a new phone. Or even worst as it is all about the mission so I guess I'll get a tattoo saying 'failure' on my ball as this will be considered a failure in the mission and a failure in a mission means punishment so that it may not be repeated again. As she has warned me earlier if I fail I'm gonna have to face the consequences.

"So (y/n) I have heard it."


"W-what mother?" I shuttered.

"That you two are friends."

Holy shit.



"Good! You are really good at this. You are gonna make all of us proud."

"Yes,mother I was gonna tell that to you but you heard it." I lied putting on a smile on my face and thanking god.

"I know but I heard it. " she said patting my back and  pointing a finger towards the sofa in front of me as a gesture to sit down.

I sat on the sofa beside her as she said "We need his blood."

What hell why does she wants that?!

"Why, mother?" I asked politely.

"We will tell that you later but now just do what is said." She said again putting on that serious look on her face.

"Yes, mother."

"Bring it as soon as possible." She ordered

"But mother we have just became friends how can I do that?"

"Take your time but do it fast."

"Yes, mother."

I ran up upstairs as soon our conversation ended. I entered the room where my sister was sitting and praying for me.

"Oh my god are your fine dear?!" She exclaimed as she saw me.

I was all relaxed and casually sat beside her.

"You wouldn't believe what mother said to me."




"Yes, she patted my back and said that I am clever. She thinks that I ticked him to be my friend."

"So did you told her the truth?"

"Of course not instead acted like yes it was my plan and I'm happy that it made her happy."

"Very good smarty pants."


"She wants his blood."


"I don't know she said she will tell"

"Hope she does"

"Hey, don't you have to do your pending work? Since you're not going to school." I asked here

"Yes and I hope you have your homework."

"Yes, I do."

"Than bye."


~Next day~

(Y/n prov)

It was science I was sitting beside Michelle as the teacher entered and announced

"We have a science fair this month."

"So, I will the make group."

The students started talking to each other.

" Silence!" The teacher exclaimed.

As she started making groups taking different students name and grouping them together.

"Flash with Ariana" She continued

"Michelle you go with Ned."

Michelle stood up and went where Ned was sitting in front of Peter.

"(Y/N) you go with Parker" she said loud and clear
I turned my head towards him and our eyes met again. His eyes flirting with mine.

I sat on his place as he asked me

" Partner, can you come over to my place and we have a lot to discuss about."

The Street Boy (SpidermanXreader)Where stories live. Discover now