T W E N T Y- T W O

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I am very bad at fighting scenes so don't hate me.

(Y/n Pov)

I entered a room with the Blond guy. The chair was cold and uncomfortable, and left close to no room between me and the desk. The Blondie who had brought me here, was now attaching my handcuffs to the metal table, making sure to leave no space for me to make an attempt to escape.

After fastening the chain from my wrists to the desk, Blondie left the room, leaving me alone with another man... "Oh no," I whispered under my breath, realising who that man was.

Zemo a.k.a. The Boss.

"Hello there agent" Zemo said calmly, his lips twisted in an evil smile. He looked happy.. too happy for regular day of life. The man waited a moment before continuing and that was pissing the shit out of me.

"I see you must be thinking why we have bought you here," He said as my head snapped up to stare at Zemo,

"I don't like wasting my time on worthless things specially related to you people." I replied angrily, before letting my head hang towards the floor.

Zemo smirked at me as he took a few steps towards me. He came closer, and closer, until he was near enough for me to feel the man's breath on my face. The man then placed his hand below my chin, tilting it upright so that I could look at him right in the eye.

"Now I have got another reason to kill you" He said smiling.

"Well now's your chance go for it. Remember, time and tide waits for none." I said looking directly into his eyes.

"I know but remember that it is also said that life's short so enjoy your time and I will enjoy when I will torture you until you beg me to kill you." Zemo said smiling.

"You are a man with big dreams. I feel sad for you because that's never gonna happen." I said still looking into his eyes.
And harsh slap went across my face.

"The start was not that rough" I said giving a smirk.

"The fun has not yet began." He said wearing a metal gloves.

"And now it will." he said and punched me on my left cheek and than right and again on left than right and his intensity increased as he started to punch me even faster and even harder. He continuously punched me and both of my cheeks were swollen and blood was pouring out of my broken nose. My lips were burning and covered with blood as blood was pouring out of it.

He than stopped and came closer to me as he held my hair and lifted my face up he looked into my eyes and said "How was the demo?"
I stayed silent. He than unlocked the chain that fastened me to the table and picked me by my collar and said "Tell me, agent."

I spit blood out from my mouth on his face and said "I am no agent."

His eyes got red in anger so he threw me against the wall.
"I see how ungrateful you are." He said.

I stood up holding my waist and said "Do even know what does that mean?"

He then can running at me but I knew that this time I will face him because I not afraid of him so I curled my fingers into a fist and as he was about land a punch on my chest I landed mine on his balls. He stopped ,trying to recover from the pain but instead I gave him a kick on his stomach and continuously kicked him on his abdominal side until I could see blood coming out of it and then I punched him on cheeks so hard that blood came out of his mouth.

"Don't you underestimate me." I said in a venturous voice.

He then turned his face towards me and said "You have been trained well but a student can never surpass their master."

I tired to punch him again but he caught my fist and twisted it as heard and I hear the sound of my cracking bones.
I held my scream and kicked him on on his abdominal side again as he left my fist and held his abdominal and his hands got red with blood dripping out of his body.

"Think about it again." I said in a confident voice.

"I have." He replied and kicked me on side of my knee and I feel down and a sharp pain hit my knee as the fabric got red with the blood coming out of it. I tried to stand up but I couldn't.

"Now you have a broken wrist and a broken knee solider." He said and kicked me on my stomach and I moaned in pain.

"Indeed I have a broken wrist and a broken knee but you still have not broken the real me." and then he kicked me again but this time on my face and kept hitting on my stomach until blood came out of my body.

He then again grabbed my collar lifting me up and said "Don't you ever underestimate me." As he punched me and everything went black.

I woke to find myself chained to ground and that man was standing infront of me.

"Don't you have a chairs or something this is really uncomfortable."

"You have never learned to be quite, have you?" Zemo said.

"Oh I learned this from my boyfriend, you know, the Spider-Man."

"Well now, you will." As he picked up a belt with sharp blade fixed on it's leather surface.

"I am going to show you what you have never imagined." He said as pulled back his arm and swung it forcefully down onto my back. I tried to control my it I could hold it back so I roared loudly in pain. He continued to me hit and beat with the belt and his back was covered in deep cuts and blood.

(Peter's pov)

As (Y/n) left with that man I followed the others.

I had to find (Y/n) she must be in a great trouble. She just said 'find me' I mean how am I suppose find her. I am not a Hydra agent.

But she is my girlfriend and also, she came here with me so I am responsible for her.

In a quick motion I grabbed the gun of the first grunt and threw it on the ground. Then I planted kick right to his dick, causing him to collapse partially. Then I punched the other one hard in the gut and then landed one in the head. I kicked the guy who tried to attack from behind and punch him and that sent his head flying into the wall, knocking him out.
Before the other one could react, I picked up the gun on the ground and bashed his head with it at least five times before he collapsed on the ground.

The last one tried to stay strong but I wed him and than i yanked and threw the webbed man to the floor than I picked him up and said "Now tell me where he took my girl."

He stayed silent. "Really?" He said nothing, I sighed.

Wait, 'find me', did she left me some clue? I took the webbed man dragging with me. I walked for what felt like hours as I saw a room which had no security not even cameras.

"You will never find her!" The man finally spoke.

"You finally said something and that too shit." I said and webbed his mouth and knocked him out with a punch.

I stared to analyse the door of the room as I saw digital Number keypad password lock. 'Find me' I repeated her words in my mind there is gotta be a clue hidden in this!

I think it should be the password but there are digits okay I got it!

I entered the password as 69144135 and the door opened.


Thank you for reading! By the way the next chapter will be in 3rd person.....bye

The Street Boy (SpidermanXreader)Where stories live. Discover now