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GOD! GOD! OH MY LORD! He just smiled oh my God yes, at me. Is there any other person whom he is looking at and smiling? Nah! No one is there! God i have never felt  so warm.

It's just kind of different type of warmth  not just the warmth caused by sitting in front of a fireplace or heater it's just completely different kind of feeling.

It's so hard to explain I could feel my heart pumping so fast as he smiled and I can't even breathe properly.

It feels so smooth so different so good as if all of my problems have  just flew away and I am flying in the air, totally free. I just wanna dance jump scream  do whatever it takes to grab his attention.

I really love it. It's such a beautiful feeling never came before not even when I got my job wow! That's something that I... don't know wow! Just wanna fly in the air touch the clouds with him and  me in between his arms. I'll never forget this moment this feeling and everything happening to me right now.

It feels so good to see him. I could look at him all day all night my entire life . It will gives me more happiness than  getting 100 million dollars from Tony Stark. If I could just talk to him it will  give me such a great satisfaction , yes (Y/N) you have to go yes you have to..

As I was about put my sneakers on black white path I heard a sudden loud sound BOM! BAM!

What was that!? A beast.
Shit! it was near apartment where my documents are there no no no nooo!!!

I ran as fast as possible so many questions running in my head, Was that my apartment? Is my apartment demolished? What happened to my document?...

I reached that place and fortunately the Apartment was fine and the accident was there on the construction site nearby. It was umm.. it was a living being a black grey-ish kind of a creature he actually stepped on the cement and to remove it he started running from one place to another smashing and shouting.



A web on his mouth  shutting up his fucking dirty mouth. 

A red blue man coming swinging he was wearing his costume the upper part red and the backside blue  with a spider on his back  with a red blue pant which was  tight enough just to enhance his amazingly sexy body figure and abs

Wearing red colour socks with red mask with black stripes all over his costume and translucent glasses on the Mask to cover his eyes and face.

"THE BUG MAN" the rhino shouted ripping of the web off his mouth.

" Hey! Dude spiders and not bugs! They are arachnids. And for your kind information its Spider-Man"


" Oh! Really? You don't if you smash something, and that something fell on you and then you be dead what would you say"

"OH! OH! Wait wait let me say it you will say 'rhino does not care' " he cracked a lame joke and I could see that he was felt very proud after cracking such a lame joke.


"No you're not"

Spidey jumped and took an amazing flip and webbed his eyes what a flexibility! what an agility!

"WHERE IS THE SPIDER!?" Rhino exclaimed again ripping the web off his eyes.

"I am watching your back"

The Street Boy (SpidermanXreader)Where stories live. Discover now