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( Y/N prov)

I am in my car smiling like crazy and my mother is super suspicious that's so obvious. He kissed me on my cheeks and OH MY GOD!! Wowww!! I can't explain how happy I am but there is this one thing I have noticed that I behaved in a really clam and quite way. It shouldn't be normal right? Like if your crush kisses you one should  react to it in a very excited way not in a clam and quite way. Then why did I then acted like that? Are my feeling gone? No not of course what am I even thinking. Once I met Ed Sheeren and I got to shake hands with him and I was sweating and was in my panic mode. It was when I was 13 and he was the hugest of all the crushes I ever had so I can't blame my training for it because it was a complete year of my training. Anyways Peter kissed me on cheeks. He once kissed me on my lips and yes when he was gone I was shouting and running and behaving like an idiot. This time I didn't but I could feel my heart racing and it was beating so fast that it could come out of my chest. My stomach was aching, my heading was spinning and I was about to collapse but I was not at all excited like when I was when he kissed me first. No I was not I was nervous or some or... God! It's confusing.

Whenever I hear the name Peter I feel so relaxed, so good its like the name it self is a cure to all diseases of the world. His voice is a call from heaven it is so peaceful. His cute, adorable, charming and beautiful face gives me happiness. It's like the reason for my existence. Every thing about him is so special ,so unique , so good it's perfect even this word seem nothing when it comes to Peter.

Now I am starting to realise things aren't the way I though.

I don't have a crush on Peter Parker.

I have a strange and a really strong feeling for him. I mean it it's super strong I could feel it like its now being a part of me and I really need to explore this part of me and this is only possible if I stay with Peter a little longer. I hope my tricks will continue to work and nobody catches otherwise I will be hung.

I was snapped out of my thoughts by my mother

"What are thinking?"

"Nothing mother it's just today Peter told I am his good friend and we had a good talk like you know 'The Friends Talks' "

"Good now-" I cut my mother and said
"No mother I can't not now even though I am his so call good friend I don't think so he completely trust me. He hasn't even revealed his true identity that he is Spider-Man."

"Alright, but why did cut me off like that now a days you are misbehaving you are going out of track I think your so called new friends are good influencers." She said sarcastically. I nodded my head and said
"I am sorry mother I promise this won't  happen again."

The rest of the journey went in silence.

We reached home and I charged straight into my sisters room.

"Hey! Hey! (Y/s) listen."

"Woah! woah! Girl calm down. Is it about Peter or Hydra."


As soon as she heard the name Peter she stood up from the bed and shouted. "Did he fucked with you!?"

"Shut up! And No! He didn't. You need to calm down,you're being too loud. Mother is gonna kill me-"

"I means you fucked him. Oh my god! Wow! Congrats girl I hope he used condoms and if he didn't I have to think of a name how is-"

"(Y/s) shut up!"

"Okay but-"

I put my palm on her mouth and said "you know if mother comes in here cause you were shouting like an idiot and found out I am here rather than being in my room getting ready for the training today she is going to kill both of us. Especially me twice. One more thing we haven't fucked"

"Alas!" She said dramatically and sat on the bed.

"By the way sis mother changed yours training timetable?"

"No, she just made it thrice a day because she thinks I am becoming weak day by day."

"Well Peter's love made you weak."

"Maybe" I said with smirk.

"Well I have to go for the training okay bye."

"Hey wait you were about to tell something about Peter."

"Oh yeah! He kissed me on my cheeks."

"That's it come on girl I though something else. God! He once kissed you on your lips."

"Hey! Come on I am not taking to you." I said and slammed the door.

Well if it isn't a thing on which I should be acting like this than Why am I?


It was break and we were having a good time. MJ, Ned, Peter and me. After sometime Peter took out his phone and started typing something he looked worried.

"Well..uhm....guys...I have to go."

"And where exactly are you going Peter?" Michelle asked.


"Yes, you now tell me you loser."
Michelle demanded.

"Peter if you wanna go to washroom you need not need to be this shy to tell to girls okay." I said and sent wink to Peter.

"Sorry about that." He said

"By the way do we get some extra cupcakes in here."

"Yeah we do I can get you some if you want. Let's go." Peter said


"Thanks (Y/n) you saved me."

"It's fine any time Spidey-boy. "

Hope you enjoyed this chapter.
Sorry for late updates kindna busy with school and exams.
Thank you for 300+ readers thank you so much it means a lot.

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