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(Peter's Prov)

"It's Saturday! "

That is what other teenagers would say but not this one because he happen to be a super hero.

I was busy patrolling as I saw
(Y/n). She looks so cute in that pink hoodie crop top.

"Going somewhere Miss." I said jumping in front of her.

"Hey Spider I see busy patrolling."

"Yes the love of Spider."

She giggled but I could see that her face was down a bit there must be something going on.

"Wanna have some fun." I asked her.

"What do you mean?" She asked with a confused face.

"Come with me." I took her hand ran towards the tower in front of us.

"Hey Peter slow down and why are we going up stairs?"

"Just wait you are not gonna regret this."


(Y/n Pro)

We were on the top the tower and I  don't know why Peter told me to stand on the edge of it.

"Do you want me to jump from here?" I really wanted as lately I have been super stressed and want to quit every thing.

"Of course not."

"Then why I am here and why did you told me to stan-"  I was cut off by a kiss on my lips and it really calmed me down I could feel my body relax all my frustration and stress was gone I kissed him back it was a soft kiss but it was full of love.

He broke the kiss and asked in a calm voice
"Do you trust me?"
I nodded my head in reply

"Than close your eyes."

I closed my eyes and I could feel his hands on my waist tightly warped around and I heard voice of the web shooter when the web came out. I didn't flinch. I felt my body being lifted up and wind rushed through my hair. I opened my eyes and the first thing I notice was my feet below it was not the edge of the tower but there the New York city instead.

"It's beautiful." I said I have seen New York city from a much greater height but with Peter every this look more beautiful.

"It is but not more than you are." He said and I gave a sleepy smile.

"So you are comparing my beauty to a city."

"No I didn't mean to say that what I meant-"  I cut him

"I was just messing with you." I said

"You are so cute. You take everything so seriously." I said and gave him a closed-lip  smile

"Says the person who took a simple friendly challenge way to seriously."

"simple friendly challenge what do you mean? It was a challenge to prove my self."

"How many languages do you know?"

I know many but I will go with three but why is he asking that

"Does English comes in that?"


Ever heard of the word 'fun' ?"

"Yup "

"It was for that and that is what simple friendly challenge meant a challenge with friends for sake of having fun."

The Street Boy (SpidermanXreader)Where stories live. Discover now