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(Y/n POV)

"H-hello it's me Shawn t-tell M-Mr Stark  that I am gonna be late." With that said he ended the call.

"Good boy" I said till pointing my gun to his head.

"Let's play a game." I said smiling.

"It's called tell me your secret and since you my little secret so now it's your turn."

He was shaking in fear. His lips were  trembling but he couldn't make them to let a single word out.It should be funny  to see someone so terrified but unfortunately I was not impressed,I hated it.

"I think I have asked you a question so give the answer." I said pulling the trigger.


"How do know Stark?" I asked


"Do you know it's considered impolite when you answers in a single word and even worst when you lie." I said putting my untenanted hand around his throat and banging him to the wall still pointing my gun to his head.

"Now answer me properly." I whispered in his ears in a comminatory voice.

"I know Mr. Stark because my mother works there and the women you heard on the phone was my mom." Tears started pour down his face.

I gave smirk and asked "Tell me some fun fats about the fantasy man and his building."

He stayed silent. 

"I knew you were useless." I said removing my hand from his throat and pointing  my gun down.

"Go just get lost. And remember no to tell anybody." I said turning into the opposite direction.

As I heard  the sound foot steps I turned abound and shooted the boy with my loaded gun and bullet went right across his throat  as the boy feel flat on his face.

I walked to him,sat in front of him and said "Poor Shawn" I took his phone out from his pocket and  threw it in the upwards direction and pulling the trigger of my gun I fired directly on the phone. I took off my gloves and put them in poket.

As I started to walk away my again eyes laid on the lifeless body I gave a smile and said "Have a beautiful afterlife."

(Peter's POV)

I woke up alone (Y/n) was not with me. Where the hell did she went?

I saw Miss Priyadarhi entering the room.

"You're awake Peter."

"Yup I am! By the way have you seen (Y/n)?"

"Yes my dear I have, she went to get you some cheese sandwiches."

"Thank you! Can I ask you something."

"Yes why not."

"Why are you here?" I asked

She chuckled and said "I am a nurse and my job is to take care of my patients and see how are they doing."


"What were you thinking that came here firlt?" She asked lifting an eyebrow.

"As you know that I am so irresistible so you I just thought maybe you were you know..here to.." I said in presuming voice.

She started  to laugh and I joined her to. 

"Oh Peter! Sorry for bursting you bubble." She said

"You don't think I am handsome."

"Shut up and let check how is your wond."

(Y/n Pov)

"Great job Agent....umm.."


"Yes indeed." Said the little man

"Now let me put this under the microscope." He continued

"What a unique composition it is perfect!" The little man exclaimed and took the sample and fixed to a machine and it sucked the blood.

"How is everything going on Otto?" I turned to see it was boss

"Sir" i said bowing my head

"Great job Agent (L/n)"

"Thank you sir"

"So How is it?" He turned his face towards doctor Otto Octavius

"Everything thing it great." He said running towards his computer and typing something.

With smile he turned toward his machine and said " Look at this."

I turned head to see a black gluie substances in the glass container. It was alive and was moving it was sticking itself to the container and was trying to crawl.

"And what that suppose to be?" I asked

"It's Venom" the scientist replied and I gave him a confused look.

He continued " The spider's blood must have been able to stabilise the chemical I made just like my brilliant mind thought. It is like a parasite expect it feeds on the anger and fear of his host."

"Take it out" Boss demanded

"Oh no! Not right now! You see it's not completely  stabilise yet and also it will not be able to adjust with the out side temperature  so I the great Otto Octavius has to adjust it." As he finished I rolled  my eyes.

"You have 48 hrs  Otto." Boss said in a cold voices.

"It is enough." The mad scientists replied.

"Agent (L/n) we might need you so stay close to the boy."

"Yes sir"  I said went out side but stoped to tie my shoelace.
As I head doctor Octavius say "You had the chance why didn't  you killed  her." I was done  tying my shoelace so I stood up. Who is her?

"Don't be so hasty Otto" I heard boss's voice

"I want the spiderboy..." He continued

It's me!

"...and then we will kill her the same way we killed her father. Nobody can stay alive knowing hydars biggest secret."

As I heard that everything just stopped I couldn't move. Every thing abound me started to become blur and a surge of emotion hit me it was like my heart stopped pumping blood and I couldn't breathe "the same way we killed her father." I mumbled thoes unbelievable words with my trembling lips.

Without further thinking I started to run. Run as fast as I could pushing and pulling everyone on  my way. I ran I ran I out of that hell and busted into tears. Hot tears rolling down my dry cheeks
I weeped

"My entire Life was a Lie!"

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