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I was done with my home work and was chatting about some science stuff with Peter.

"So like you when we will heat sodium hydrogen carbonate."

"We get NaHCO3 releases CO2 and H2O on heating. The equation be like 2NaHCO3(s) = Na2CO3(s) + CO2(g) + H2O(g)."

" Yes! That's fucking correct."

"You know if I have to add any organic acid or say edible acid to it I would prefer tartaric acid."

" No! I prefer adding C ₆H ₈O ₇ it will be better." I exclaimed.

" Na3C6H5O7 is the compound formed and you think it's simple?"

"C4H8Na2O8 is simple? Are you fucking kidding me?!"

" I am so not looking forward for the upcoming test the next week."

"Me tooo"

"Any ways I have to go for patrolling. Bye babe."

"Good luck and bye Peter."

I was lying on my bed and my phone buzzed. I saw a messages from Peter

Peter👅💘: Don't you think you swear a lot.
(Y/n) 😁: What do mean?

Peter👅💘: I mean to say that you swear lot.
(Y/n)😁: So now you are trying to control me😕

Peter👅💘: No love I would never do that but I assure you that you can't live 15minutes with out swearing

(Y/n) 😁: Are you challenging me?!🙎😕

Peter👅💘: Nope I am telling you the real fact.

( Y/n)😁: You are living in the wrong world Mr Parker!

Peter👅💘: Nice joke😹

(Y/n)😁: Fuck off

Peter👅💘:Ha, you swore again😹

(Y/n)😁: Shut the hell up! I am gonna show you that I can pass one entire day with out swearing.

Peter👅💘: Let see what happens I know you can't live one entire day with out swearing so I will making half day.

The Street Boy (SpidermanXreader)Where stories live. Discover now