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(Y/n POV)

I was about to open the door of the room where Peter was but Manshi came out of there. She looked at me with horror in her eye and dragged me to the other side holding my hand as she asked

"What happened?"

" I...I was worried about....Peter."

"Oh dear! He is fine. He will be discharge tomorrow morning...surprisingly he has healed completely."

"Well that's good." I said forcing a smile.

"Now sit here, I am gonna tell you a story."

"what kind of story?

"My story" she said


"You see I was learning how to drive a car from a friend of mine we got into an accident and were rushed to the hospital."

"Who  was that guy? I can tell that he must be a very bad teacher." I interrupted.

"You guessed it! He is a very bad teacher. Me and my best friend used to call him B²." She replied.


"Cause he was big like a big concrete wall." She said with a chuckle and I smiled.

"So where was I?" Manshi asked scratching her head.

"Rushed to the hospital."

"Yes, so I was severely injured and that Mr B² had some minor injuries. When I woke up I saw my boyfriend standing there with a smile." she paused and then continued.

"By the way his name is Zayn. So, I was not please see that smile I thought was worried but he acted super casually and was laughing and joking around. I was like why isn't he worried!? so I finally ask him that why is in so happy that I am here and why isn't he showing any concern because as my boyfriend he should be comfort me not joke around."

"I agree" I said

"And you know what he replied to me?"

"What?" I enquired.

She smiled and said " Bad things happen all the  time. It might happen because of you because or someone so crying on that or cursing or harming yourself will never help so just give it smile and face it." As she finished I gave her a huge and said

" You the best person someone can ask for an advice or motivation."

" Thanks dear that's what friends do."

"By the way how is he now?" I asked

"Who? My boyfriend?"


"Oh! We are engaged." She said lifting left hand up and showing me the engagement ring.

"Wow!" I said amusement.

She gave me an affiliative smile her dimple making it more graceful.

(Peter's P.o.v)

I saw (Y/n) entering the room and I was shocked to see her she looked so devastated so tired so... broken. She walked towards bed sat beside me and asked "How are you?"

"I am totally fine but what happened to you?"

"I am fine. By the way here's your sandwich." She said

"So something really bad happened." I said lifting her chin up looking directly into her tired swollen eyes.

"I..was just worried about you." She said breaking her eye contact.

The Street Boy (SpidermanXreader)Where stories live. Discover now