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(Peter prov)

I was sitting on a roof top and smoking a cigarette. I haven't smoked for like weeks until now. I generally don't do smoking until and unless I am very stressed. I sigh, and I don't know for some reason I really couldn't stop my self from taking the packet of cigarette the man offered me out side Mr Bremen's store and I am not regretting it it's so peaceful.

I did stopped a gang from robbing a bank and the casher seems really interested in me but for some reason I stopped myself. We just exchange a smile and when she lean forward to kiss me I backed off. I was about to kiss her but suddenly (y/n)'s image came in my mind and I backed off.

I was sitting on the roof top as the cold wind blew and instead of enjoying it I was busy thinking about (Y/n). I sigh. "(Y/n) look what you done to me." I paused for while.

"(Y/n)" "(Y/n)"

(Y/n) that name sounds so warm, so clam, so beautiful whenever I hear this name or say I could feel my stomach tickle a little and I am filled with joy.

Whenever she speaks it feel like an Angel for heaven it sent to earth so that people can hear her feel relaxed and peaceful. She is her self an angel. When I first saw her I was feeling so good, so high it was like I was out of my mind. At first I thought it was a sexual desire but now when I think about it it's not.

It's a strong feelings.


I was going to Peter's place and I am forty five minutes late. I am never late but the thanks to my aunt for making us stay 'a minute longer until she cooks something special for us.'

I knocked at door and it opened at once I saw May standing in front me as I was about apologize for being so late and was gonna give a complete speech why I was late but said she said "Hey there, (Y/n) please come and sit on the sofa. Peter has gone to Mr Delmar's store to get some gummy worms."

I entered the house and sat on the sofa.
"I'm sorry for being so late I-" she cuts me off and said

"It's okay love. Actually Peter has also gone for a while if you would have came earlier you would have been waiting sitting on the sofa."

I let out a little laugh and said "That's fine with me."

"You know you have changed my Peter since the day you met him." May said smiling a little. What does she mean?

"You are really a good person. He was never like this he never use to love lust but people change I never wanted him to go the path he has chosen. You really have changed him. He seems more contracted than distracted and sad and trying to find lust to get his mind off the things going on his head." She paused may be thinking about something else to say and I am here sitting like a dum cause I don't understand any thing and I am totally confused. What does she mean by lust? What kind of lust? Drugs? Alcohol? His friends are also telling me that he is changing and I am the reason for this change. I really wanna ask May that how am I exactly changing him? But I don't think it the rights time to ask her.

"Thank you (Y/n) for coming in Peter's life. I always want you to stay." I saw tears rolling down her cheeks. I stood up from my place and gave her a hug and said "I premise." I really love May apart from a beautiful face she has a beautiful heart. She always treats me like her daughter I wish she was my mother.

(Peter's prov)

I finished my cigarette and than took my phone out and I found out that I am late. "FORTY FIVE MINUTES LATE!! FUCK!" I kept the box of cigarette in my pocket and swung back to my home. I quickly changed and ran to the door I opened it in a hurry and when I opened it I found (y/n) eating May's special apple cakes , talking and laughing with May.

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