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                        (Y/N Prov)
"Mother I am home."

"Good , come in" a man 6 feet 4 inches tall was standing in front of me with my mother beside him.

"Agent(Y/M) tell her what to do."

"Yes Sir, Darling please sit here and handover me those documents."

I did what I was said without uttering a word.

"You have been trained by Agent(Y/M) for quite long period of time. You have gone for several missions and have impressed all of us including our boss" One of the henchman said.

It's true mother trained me for every odd situations and has also taught be attentive at same time.
I also know how to hack computer system and I'm quite sure that I can also hack the system of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Those crooks have always tried there level best to ruin the Peace of the world along with the Averagers and act as if it's not there fault and they are heroes.

My mother always told me how they ruin their plan to bring good in this world. She said that Hydra is the only organization that can bring a change in this world and stop it from destruction.

As  I was listening to him giving me several lectures on how Hydra has tried to save this world and at last he came to the point the thing that he was trying to tell me as we continued.

"You know how Revolutionary is hydra can you being such an capable young lady we choose you for a mission."

For me it's not such a big surprise to have a new mission because I have gone to many and had been successful but his face indicates something else.

"You must be wondering what are these document. Seeing your amazing acrobatic skills, you have Mastered  most of the fighting styles and techniques, you are also amazing spy, noticing that you are very good at manipulating people and making them to trust you, you know more than 10 languages, you are creative and smart, you are  a very loyal and trustworthy and you have true  love and passion to bring a change in this world and make it a better place and these qualities are only in a Hydra agent so I announce that you are officially a Hydra agent sign here and come for new mission tomorrow."

I could not believe what he just said to me I was shocked my eyes were popped out. Keenness ran into my veins. My was heart pumping so fast that even a sphygmomanometer  won't be able to measure it. I just wanted to shout jump dance run do whatever it takes to show my excitement and my happiness but since my mother told me not to overreact even when I am in the  happiest or saddest conditions.

"Just keep a cool and respond to it with a smile when you are happy and when you are sad don't show your  tears but you can show your  disappointment but just a little bit and also remember being too much angry will always lead to your defeat." I repeated those words that my mother has toward me since I was six.

I just gave little smile and took the pen I'm signed on the required place. I the pen back to the man to whom I have to call boss from now. He gave me a little smirk which indicated that he was impressed and left our house while keeping the smirk on his face and then was accompanied by my mother who went outside the house with him along with his henchmen.

I ran upstairs and went straight into my sister's bedroom. She was there lying on the bed sick with a weak voice she said
"So, you got what you have been dreaming for so long. I'm so happy for you I hope I could just get up from this bed and hug you." She ended the line with a soft smile on their face.

(Y/S)[ if you don't have a sister then give her an imaginary name]
is the most supportive and loving person I've ever met, she not only supports me but  also the people  she has never met. She is usually  sick as the doctor told that she has a problem with her immune system but she will overcome very soon with some medicines and positivity.

I nodded my head and lean  against the wall and said " Thank you, you know what two of my dreams became a reality first I became a hydra agent and second I kissed him."




She said and suddenly different kind of energy came inside her body and she got up

"I know it's amazing."
I said her and helped to lay down on the bed again

"You should lay down if you want to get well soon."

"Yeah, but WOW! I mean Wowww tell me every thing."

I nodded and sat on the bed next to her as I started "As you know I have been stalking the spider guy lately."

"Yes,you are."

"So I just met him again when I was crossing the road and he passed me a smile"

"And then you kissed him . What the fuck! so non-romantic!"

"No, you dum head I didn't we saw each other form a distance I mean he was on the other side of the road."

"Ooh! Than say it clearly and explain properly."

"I will if you won't interrupt in between and by the way 'non-romantic' is not word."

"Yeah, I just made it up."

"So after taking my documents I was heading back to home and we clashed and my documents feel down and than he picked them up and then our hands touch than he put his hand my waist and than our faces got closer and finally our lips met." I said in a flow without pausing.

"Wow!  Lucky by the way it's so cute. I also wanna meet him."

"I hope we meet again. You know his lips were so soft , so magical.  IT FELT LIKE HEAVEN!!! OHH!  I'm in love."

"Girls dinner is ready!" Mother called us

"Yeah mamma coming" we replied together
I came down stairs and took a tray and put a plate which had the food that we were having for dinner and took it up stairs for my sister

"Dear eat this and good night."

"Good night lucky girl"
I smiled and went down stairs and sat on the end of the dining table and started chewing my food and my mother looked at me and said

"I'm proud of you"

As I swallowed my food and replied "Thank you"

"You know you have to go a mission tomorrow."

I nodded my head and kept on chewing my food.

"I have uploaded the required information in your phone and I will wake you up at 6:00 am"

I nodded and stood up taking my plate to the kitchen to wash it as my mother left the place and went up stairs. As I was done I went in my bed room and laid on the soft bed waiting for tomorrow.

The Street Boy (SpidermanXreader)Where stories live. Discover now