T W E N T Y - T H R E E

220 8 44

Peter opened the door and what he saw was horrific. He saw (Y/n) 
twisting and turning in pain and agony her blood covered her body.

She turned her towards the man and said "You still have not got me begging for death."

As the man infront of her wrapped his meaty hand around her throat pinning her against the opposite wall. (Y/n) cried out in pain, clawing at man's fingers in desperation.

"Time to shut this mouth for ever." Zemo snarled, his breath hot on (Y/n)'s cheek.

Seeing his girl scream and choke, his blood boiled in anger so Peter launched himself at the larger man, grabbing him by his shirt before attaching his feet to the ceiling and yanking him away from (Y/n).

Quick as a cheeta, Peter attached  Zemo's back and then dropped to the floor, the spider web acting as pulley.  As soon as Zemo's body struck the ceiling, Peter web him up there in his own cacophony of webs.

Peter walked towards his girl lying on the floor. He sat infront of her and lifted her head up as she coughed out blood.

"(Y/n)..." He said as his heart got broken to see his brave girl so weak and desperate.

(Y/n) stretched her blood covered lips to give Peter a weak smile making his heart to break more.

As soon as he was about to utter a word his spider sense tingle as he felt a punch on his neck but he didn't feel it because nothing hurt more than seeing your loved ones in pain.

Peter turned and hit the man with a punch, a dodge in direction of the wall, he launch himself from it and hit his enemy with a kick.

He kicked him again but this time on his throat making him fall down. The man quickly got up and threw a punch on him as Peter caught his fist. "Karen send Nick Fury and the Averages my locations."

"Okay Peter" the voice from his suit said.

He locked his eyes with the man whose fist he was holding as the man was trying to get himself free.

Peter then twisted the man's fist and crushed his fist and kicked him on the joint of the arms causing it to break immediately. Peter wrapped his finger around the man's neck and lifted him up and said "This is for you did to my (Y/n)." and threw him on the main circuit which caused the plastic cover to break. The man hit the main switch with his body causing electronic sparks.

Zemo looked at Peter and "You are strong." He said with a smile, pointing a gun at Peter and fired it.

"It seems you are pretty good at aiming." Peter said sarcastically.

"I never miss my target." Zemo said as Peter turned back to (Y/n) falling on the hard floor, blood dripping out of her chest.

"She thought she could protect you!" He said laughing and Peter ran towards him and holding his throat he said "You will pay for this." He finished as he dug his fingers deeper into the man's throat crushing his bones.

"I ne-never mi-ss ." Zemo's voice cracked.

Peter lifted an eye brow in confusion but then the Spider-Man heard the sound of a ticketing clock. He looked down to see a time bomb and that he has got just 10 seconds!



He ran towards (Y/n) picked her up in bridal style and ran out of the room.



He ran faster.




He ran faster and got out of the area that was going to blow up.



And the bomb blasted and the entire area around the room along with Zemo blew up.

Peter heard the sound of shattering  glasses as S.H.I.E.L.D agents along with averages arrived but it didn't bothered him , he looked at his beloved with tears and said, "(Y/n) it's over." He took off his mask.

She smiled at him and moved her lips to utter a word of gratitude "Thank you...."

"Now let us go." He said but (Y/n) shook her head as a gesture for no.

"Let me look at you...one last time." She said.

"(Y/n) Please" Peter pleaded.

"You made me better..." she said coughing out blood.

"Please don't..." Peter said as tears rolled down his face and his voice cracking as he whispered softy. "Please don't"

Every single memory that she spent with the person she loved which not only included Peter but (Y/s), MJ, Ned, May and even her new friend Manshi flashed infront of her eyes.

She knew what was coming, something she feared the most but she was satisfied. She will fall as hero.

Before these earthly chains break and she looses herself into the skies above, drifting away from this cruel world, drifting from her loved ones, drifting away from Peter. She summed up all the strength left in her body and said,

"And remember that I-I love y-ou"  She finished as a single drop of tear left her eye as she slowly closed them.

"(Y/n) please! Don't let go..." Peter shook her body but it was of no use.

"Don't please, wake up....I love you too...please wake up." He begged as tears gushed down his face, holding her body tight, crying.

*It was (Y/n) funeral.*

Everyone came, even the Avengers expect for (Y/n)'s mother who was devastated to hear what happened to her daughter.

Peter was standing in front of his beloved's grave as he felt a tap on his shoulder. He didn't flinch as he was too deep into his grief.

"My sister was a light that always had a different path. She was so bright...I am just jealous where she is right now, in a better place than I am  leaving all of us alone in here." She said tears rolling down her face.

She then handed Peter a dairy and said "Thank you for making my sister's life....this is her dairy of poems where she wrote all about things she loved." She said and left.

When Peter went back home he opened the diary and read the first poem titled,

'The Street boy'



Thank you everyone for the love and support!

Goodbye take care😘😘😘

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