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(Y/n Prov)

Finally tomorrow came, I open my eyes with joy I was so excited that I woke up before the alarm Rang. I went downstairs after brushing my teeth and having a bath.

My mother was there sitting on the dining table may be waiting for me on or just wants to wish me good luck. I sat there and she started the conversation.

"So, you are ready?"

"Yes" I said chewing the bread.

"You should not talk while eating. First chew the food and then answer."

I nodded still chewing the bread.

So basically you want me to answer question. If I would have kept chewing my food,she would have been furious and annoyed on me for not answering the question. This is one of the reasons why I hate her and do not like to share anything. She will just keep on pointing my mistake. May be I should stop thinking about this if I really wanna spoil my good mood which I don't.

After finishing my breakfast I stood up just went outside without saying a word as I am supposed to. I saw my sister standing in front of the window smiling brightly I smiled back.

I arrived at the location as I was told to . There was a tall man standing in front of the door he took me to the same man I met yesterday but for now onwards I have call him 'boss'.

"So Miss (Y/l) as I have told you that you are a very responsible and capable young lady, and in Hydra we want loyal,responsible,intelligent and capable teenagers like you. That
is reason why you are here."
said the big man who was sitting on the chair in front of me.

To be honest this man gives me creepy vibes or something. It's just there is something very suspicious about this man I mean boss. Thank God there is a table to separate us otherwise I would have been super nervous and super cocky. Cause I am nervous right now. Never mind he was the one who made my dream come true so I guess he is just like that. Maybe he is showing his serious parts that I'll be attentive listen to him think before betraying him maybe. If it's like that I guess he should think twice, cause I am never ever gonna be betray them.

I nodded my head to to show the that I am paying attention to his words.

He smiled and said "You know young lady you should stop thinking this much and pay attention to my words." He said with a little bit louder pitch.

I nodded and held my head high with my back straight. With hands on my thighs in an attentive position. As mother already taught that when you talk to a person you should have a proper posture of sitting or standing otherwise you might disappoint the person you talking to and I didn't want to disappoint him, after all I'm his favourite I guess.


"So Miss (Y/l) being a Hydra agent you have your first official mission." A lady handed over home some documents along with some pictures.

As soon as I heard your 'first official mission' I was shocked I was not able to breathe properly so excited I want to shout jump and dance hug him for giving me such a great opportunity but unfortunately I can't.

He placed a picture of a young handsome boy when my eyes fell on a picture I widen my eyes surprise.

He placed a picture of a young handsome boy when my eyes fell on a picture I widen my eyes surprise

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I think so he noticed that I was surprised to see that face
"So, you know him?"

"No, sir" I said without hesitation so that it does not know that I know him and he is my crush and we kissed last night.

"He is a high school boy his name is Peter Parker or you can also call him Spider-Man. Your mission is to get him to our good side you know that we wants capable young teenagers. So that they can help Hydra to make this world better."

As he finished and I nodded my head. Just this much information I thought he would tell me more about him. Never mind I know where is studies in Midtown high school I think so that's name.

He smiled and said "You are really a good starter. You're not hasty and want complete information before starting your mission. Your mother has trained you very well hasn't she?"

"Yes, sir" I said by putting on a smile

" This is your new identity learn it properly" he said as he handed over me some papers.

"Now, you may leave."

"We have High Hopes from you don't disappoint us otherwise you know the consequences." He said with a deep voice to show how serious he was about the mission.

I gulped and said "Yes, sir I would never."

(Peter's Pov)

"It's been tow days since I met that girl Ned you remember we first met at the city mall she was looking so gorgeous in the black dress I still remember that it was like magic. And last night we kissed. You know how much magical that was I couldn't sleep that whole night is only thinking about her. I really needed her in my bed"

"Wow! Dude you are so lucky and when are you gonna meet her again?"

"I don't know maybe someday on the streets again."

"Seriously dude you kissed her and you neither know her name nor have asked for her number not even her house address. This is so much disappointing dude so disappointing."

"Yeah! I know but you know what I get this feeling that we are gonna meet again I think so destiny has it."

"I don't think so she is not gonna come to Midtown high or your house you to meet you."

(Y/N Pov)

Peter Parker aka spiderman the man whom I kissed last night might become my boyfriend.

Well let see what is given about him. I sat on my bed reading the paper given to me. I know all of them except for the that he has a friend named Ned Lee.

Let's see what is given about me I mean the fake me.
(Y/n) Holland
Age 16
Father name - Danny Holland
mother name - Maria Holland
has a adopted sister named - Lilly Holland
Father died in a car accident last year.

Ok that's amazing.

Tomorrow I have to go to my new school Midtown High School.
Tomorrow will be an amazing day.

The Street Boy (SpidermanXreader)Where stories live. Discover now