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1 year later.......

(Y/s  Pov)

I was getting ready for school but I  had promised her that I will give her the novel that I was reading yesterday in the English class.

I opened my cupboard and started searching into shelf where I kept all my novels

'Never Let Me Go' by Kazuo Ishiguro where are you?

"Found you!" I said as I took it.

I was flipping through the pages of the novel to check weather  my $2 note is in it or not, as a picture fell out of it.

I picked it up.

It was (Y/n)'s photo, she was smiling so brightly.

I then took out my personal  diary and before putting it inside I looked at it one last time.

One thing I have released after all this is
This is life
People come they go and you can't do anything about it,you just stand there looking at it passing by.

Of course it hurts but one has to learn to move on because its the past,but sometimes we have look back, maybe that is what we need after a long day.

I carefully put the picture inside the diary, putting the novel inside my bag I went to the kitchen.

"Mom I am hungry!"

"Oh! Yes dear it's ready." Mom said

She has changed so much and I am glad that she has and the credit for this goes to Mr. Stark, now mom is one of the most trusted employees in the Stark industries.

"Fasttt!" I exclaimed.

"Here take it and on your way to school give this lunch box to Manshi." Mom said smiling.

"Okay" I said putting the pasta in side my mouth.

"I see you are wearing (Y/n)'s top."
She said politely.

"Yes I am...."  I replied.

"She use to look beautiful in that." She said with a smile.

After finishing my breakfast I kissed mom goodbye and  went to Manshi's hospital, I can't believe that she owns this place now. I gave Manshi's assistant her lunch box and head straight towards school.

I  was arranging my stuff in my locker getting ready for the first class as I felt a tap on my shoulder.

"Hi." I turned to see it was Ned.

"Hi cutie." I said and kissed his cheek.

"Excited for the double date today." He said

"Sup losers." Michelle said approach for a high five.

"Here's your novel." I said handing her the novel.

"Thanks" she said

"Hi guys" Peter said waving his hands , coming towards us.

He stood beside MJ as she held his hand tight, both blushing.

I am glad Peter learned to love again and not to mention how supportive was MJ.

"Peter don't be late." I said

"I will try but it's really hard with all that Spidermaning."

"I know" I agreed.

"By the way were are we going?" Ned asked.

I sighed and said "Oh my  scatterbrained boyfriend it's Forest  park and pick me up on 4:00."


By the way those who didn't understood the reference
Forest  park was the place where (Y/n) and Peter went on their first date and 4:00 was the time she asked him to pick her up.

Thank you for reading


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