T W E N T Y -O N E

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Before you start I just want to warn you all that I am a shit at writing fighting scenes so don't hate me after reading this.

(Y/n Pov)

We arrived at our destination Peter was with standing beside but he was handcuffed and I was holding by the scruff of the neck, dragging him. I got infront of scientist's lab and got my eyes scanned and entered along with Spiderman.

"Hi Otto I got boy!" I said as Otto turned toward me and said "You must call me Doctors Otto Octavious."

"Whatever, just tell me what to do with this boy." I said.

He came near to Peter and said "So,Spiderman you aren't in your playful mood today."

"Just heart broken to know about the truth." He said looking in my direction.

"Aw it's that sad! Get the Spiderboy a bucket of ice-cream." I said mocking him.

"Now let get my things set so that I can do some experiments on the Spiderling." He said as walked towards a machine and bent to do some adjustments.

"Nice acting though." Peter whispered into my ears.

"You too" I replied.

"Now get me free this thing hurts." He whispered again.

I turned to him and took out the key while opening the lock I told Peter "This handcuff was made especially for you." As the freed hands

"They have done a lots of hard for me." He said rubbing his wrists.

"Now go! And do the way we have planned." I order

"Yes mam!" He said and I turned towards Otto and walked towards him.

"So what are up to?" I asked.

"Is the subject beside you?" He asked.

"Never mind" I said walking towards a large tube which had
trolling four mechanical, tentacle-like arms.

"Hey what's this Otto?" I asked so truned to face me and then looked at the arms I was talking about.

"Stay away from those they are very delicate!" He shouted.

"So these colourful buttons make these babies work!" I said.

"DON'T TOUCH ANYTHING! You might accidentally press the red!" He shouted again. So this is the main control system.

"You mean this one" I said pointing at a red glowing button.

"Oh Don't touch it! It will deactivate these arms and I have to start all over again." He said giving me the exact information I wanted.

"Why do you even put it here in the first place?" I asked.

"That should be none of your business!" He ejaculated.

I walked to the switch board and took out my night goggles and wearing them.

"What if the entire machine got destroyed completely with the red button pressed?" I asked.

"Why do you even want to know?" He said still adjusting his machines.

"Just wanna experiment." I said switching off the light.

"What the hell are you doing?" He said as he straighten up his body and immediately friend down Spider-Man coming from behind.

"Just three ounces of pressure to the vagus nerve, and then, look at your boy. Sleepy, night-night." Peter said looking at me. [#Spiesindisguisereference]

"Peter please click that click that red button for me." I said walking towards the machine with
tentacle-like arms.

"Time to say goodbye to these beautiful arms... forever!" I said picking up an iron road and breaking main control system to pieces.

"Now,time to destroy one more thing." I said turning towards the machine they used to make vemon.

"So where's the red button." I said bending to to find it.

"Found it!" I said pressing the button.

I straightened up myself and held the iron rod tight. "Let me do the honours." Spider said.

"Before that we need to destroy Venom." I said pointing at the slimy black living thing in a large tube.

"Yes, told me about that. It's kinda weird isn't it?" He said looking at the venom.

"I agree." I said as Peter walked towards the computer.

"I think the doctor is using electricity to stabilise or say to control it." He said looking at the monitor.

"So?" I asked walking towards Peter.

"When need more...it will not be able to handle it and will be destroyed." He explained.

"Or we could turn the temperature to extreme since it is written on the monitor 'Not stabilized to temperature' and that will take less time." I said turning the dial to Extreme temperature and within a minute the body of Vemon started to boil and after few seconds its entire body vaporized.

"That was...."

"Disgusting." I completed Peter's statement.

"Okay now time to destroy the entire machine." I said.

"I said I was going to do the honours." Peter said taking the iron rod from my hand and smashed the machine.

"Time to go." He said after finishing his task.

"Of course before boss's henchmen come." I said opening the door and saw almost ten men standing there.

(Peter's pov)

"And they are here." (Y/n) said as she took a few steps backwards.

"Spider ready."

"I was born ready!" I and pounded at one of the henchman's chest
Then (Y/n) snapped and swung at another , a wild roundhouse punch on his face.

My spider sense tingled so I turned to my left and saw a man running towards me "Wow dude slow down." I said droving a fist deep into his gut.

Another man came running towards me he lunged forward, quickly sprinting towards me then he threw a punch at me as I ducked and as soon as I got the chance I threw a powerful Punch on his face making him to fall down.

(Y/n) dropped her hands and stomps another hunchman's knees out backwards then follows it with a keen to face as the man went down.

Another guy tried to kick me but I dodged  it and grabbed by the his face and smashed the back of his head to the ground with a crunch.

(Y/n) look at me and said "Good fighting spider."

"Can't say anything less for you." I replied with a wink.

We thougt the fight was over my spider sense tingled as I saw  thousand's of men with gun approaching us.

"What should we do now?" I asked (Y/n) lifting my hands up.

"Try to reach me." She said as a blond guy came and handcuffed her and took her away.

Thank you for reading!

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