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(Peter's prov)

It's suppose be a perfect date me and (y/n). Forest Park, well I don't know if it is most romantic place or not but right now whatever is happening is not at all romantic. There is this awkward silence between us. Neither I nor she makes an attempt to talk. I finally broke The silence and said "I really don't know what kind of conversion we should have on our first date."

"Something casual maybe " she replied

"So you also searched the entire internet to know 'what to do on your' the first date"

And we burst into laughter

"You know I have also read about some couples who had disaster date by following the instruction of having a perfect date." She said laughing

"Really! Sad for them Ha!" I replied.

Well, we had a really odd topic
being discussed on our first date but it was fun.

(Y/n) started to talk about the dating app she found out where it taught people how to have a perfect date.

"You know that app had got only 3 stars."

"That must be from the disaster date ones. "

"Yes, you know the review that people gave were so funny. "

"Tell me!" I asked

"Yes of course, so there was this guy who told that he took his girlfriend to an expensive café because it was written in the app that girls like to go to expensive  places on their first date. He didn't had enough money so he ordered two cup of coffees. Then while having their conversion he appreciated her dress and the way she looked and said every good thing possible. After that day the girl broke up with him."


"IDK the person hadn't written that."

"The poor guy I feel bad for him."

"Yeah" she said
And again silence.

"You know (Y/n) I-" I was cut by a man.

"So who all are for hiking trial: The Orange trial?" The man said

"Sir, we" (y/n) said raising her hand and there were other couples with us.

So we started to walk following the Blue Trail immediately ahead, and hike a few feet until we reach the intersection with the Orange Trail.

We Made a sharp left there and followed the Orange Trail . The first section had a small incline, followed by a drop into a nice pine wooded area. Coming out of here, we continue across the train tracks

Following a small climb, we made our way along Jackie Robinson Parkway and up to Forest Park Drive. Instead of following the road, we continued onto the Orange Trail, which took us up into the trees.

Instead of making a sharp right and cross Forest Park Drive into a short climb (y/n) pulled my hand are ran to bushes.

"Hide here." She said and peeped to see if anyone is there or not.

"What is it? Why are we hiding? Wait what are you hiding?" I asked try to sound suspicious.

"Me? oh come on!" She said pushing me aside.

"Follow me." She ordered , stood and started to walk.

"Did just have gave an oder to Spider-Man?" She didn't replied.

"Hey wait up!" I stood up and ran to her.

"Are you angry? " I asked but didn't even turned her head towards me.

"So ,where exactly we going?" Still no rely.

"Are you ignoring me?" What up with her?

"(Y/N) HOLLAND!!" I shouted and finally got her attention.

"What!?" She asked in surprise.

"You beloved boyfriend here is trying to ask you sometimes. "

"Oh! Yeah...mmmm...so...what was the question?"

"Just forget about it. What were you thinking? "

"Me!? Well, I was...thinking...if you will like the place." She said breaking our eye contact.

I held her hand in mine and look into her eyes and said "If you have chosen the place it will be beautiful and full of surprises just like you, and you know that I love you."

She gave a soft smile and than turned around and started to walk again.
"That place sure is full of surprises."

We finally reached the place and as I expected it was beautiful. There was lake in the center with beautiful green grass around it and trees making it look like heaven.

"This is the place." She said spreading her hand and I ran to her so fast that she feel on the grass with me. I laid beside her.

"Who knew that this place had such a beautiful place hidden."

"It's a no entry zone."



"It sure is beautiful. I wonder why it's a no entry zone?"


"So, tell me about dreams."

"Dreams? Well, I have dreamed of being just like my dad."

"And what did your dad do?"

"Let's just say he was big man and was super loyal to his work and never cheated like his mates did."

"I get it. My uncle Ben was great person too. God I miss him so much."

"He must proud of you."

"I guess and your dad must be proud of you too."

"I guess." She said

"So what are your dreams?" She asked

"My dream...well I want to be a great hero just like the Averagers and also a great scientists some day."

"What is so special about the Averagers?"

"What is not? They are great people they protect our city."

"They just destroy."

"Well, in a fight their is a little bit of destruction."


"Let's just change the topic."


"Have any?"

"What? Topics?"


"Ummm...what's your favorite song?"

"Alt-J Left Hand Free and yours."

"(Your fav song) have you heard of a boy band name one direction?"

"Yes, I really like one direction. I like Louis I am jealous of his hair."

"Oh my." She stood

"Hey let us have a walk together. "

"Good idea!" I stood and started to run.

"Hey wait for me!"

"Tic fore Tack!"

"Peter!" She picked up a stone an threw and it hit my joint and I feel down.

"Ouch! God (Y/n)!" Who knew she had such a good aim.

She came running to and to laugh and said "Look What You Made Me Do."

"You are so good at aiming. "

"Consider it as my hidden talent."
As she offered her hand.

"Thanks" I got up and she pulled me closer.

"You are beautiful." She said and gave a smirk

"Reading my mind."

She smiled and hugged and my spider sense started to tinkle as I felt a sharp pain in shoulder and than I felt it again and every thing started being blur and I heard (Y/n) calling my name.

The Street Boy (SpidermanXreader)Where stories live. Discover now