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(Peter's POV)

"What do you mean Peter?" (Y/n) with a confused and a shocked expression.

"I already knew about your little secret." I said

"How!? I mean when!? Peter you have got to tell me!" I said with a tint of nervousness in her voice.

"I kinda heard it." I said with a smirk underneath my mask making her more confused.

"Peter I might faint or die due to a cardiac arrest so please explain because I am stressing out!" She said putting her hand on my shoulder

"I know that- " (Y/n) put a finger on my lips and said "Hug me."


"Do as I say." She said so I hugged her.

"We are being watched." She whispered into my ears.

"This hug will make him think that everything is fine between us." She whispered again.

"Okay so let's go to some higher surface." I whispered into her ears.

~ Spiderman took you to a near by building~

"So now explain me everything." She demanded.

"When you were talking to someone and told that person to get everything ready because you have the subject's  blood and you will call them once you get out of here." I explained

"No wonder why you never asked me about the blood test." She said shaking her head.

"I know I am smart."

"Peter if you knew than why haven't you said or taken any action?"

" 3 reasons why" I said

"State them." She demanded

"First I trust you. Second I believe that there is a good person hidden somewhere in you. Third is I love you." I said smiling.

She gave me a satisfied smile and said "Thank you, but...I don't think so there is good in me." She said lowering her head down.

I place both of my hands on her shoulder and said "You know when I first met you my Spidey sense never tingled."

"Really?" She said lifting her head up.

"Yes and this means you are a good person and you never  had the intention to harm me."

"But...but Peter I am a liar and I don't think so I have done anything right." She said

"You had the guts to tell me the truth add that in your 'a good thing done today' and 'not lied today' list." I said and she nudged me.

She then told me everything from how she trained to become  a hydra agent to how she became a Hydra agent to why took my blood.

I felt sorry for her because she has been tortured by someone she calls her mother and also the fact that Hydra killed her father.

"Isn't it amazing that you are not crying because I am about to." I said

"I have shed more than enough tear on this and if only tears could solve your problem."  She said

I took both of her hands and "By the way add these also to your  'a good thing done today' and 'not lied today' list." I said and she playfully punched my arm.

She said giggling "Sure I will."

"And don't forget to add that you made your  boyfriends life perfect." I said smiling

The Street Boy (SpidermanXreader)Where stories live. Discover now