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9 years later

Harry and Uma stood nervously in front of the TV screen as Fairy Godmother hooked up the last of the wires. The screen blinked on almost immediately and revealed Captain Hook and Ursula who were bickering as they attempted to turn on the TV from their end.

"James stop stabbing the buttons with your hook it's not helping!" Ursula snapped as she snatched the remote from his hand.

Captain Hook huffed and rolled his eyes. "And smashing the keyboard with your tentacles is?"

She scowled at his remark as she pressed a button on the remote. Suddenly, Captain Hook's eyes widened. "Harry? Is that you?"

"Hello father." Harry replied, giving Uma's hand a reassuring squeeze. "You look well."

Captain Hook grinned and twirled his mustache. "You know I always strive to-"

"Uma!" Ursula cried, cutting him off. "Look how beautiful and grown up you are!"

Uma was taken back by her mother's words. "Oh, um, thank you Mom. How have you been?"

Ursula waved a dismissive hand. "Oh you know the Chip Shop never changes. Same angry customers, same angry employees. However...." Ursula sniffled and for the first time Uma saw sadness in her mother's eyes. "Flotsam and Jetsam have passed away!" Ursula cried as she blew her nose into a tissue. "My poor poopsies!"

"I'm sorry to hear that mom." Uma replied. "But Harry and I have some news that may make you feel better."

"News? What kind of news?" Captain Hook asked.

Uma lifted their hands to show them their wedding bands. "Mom, Captain Hook, Harry and I are married."

Silence filled the room as they waited for their parents to react. They waited for the yelling and scolding to commence. For the disapproval they had been expecting. Instead, they heard the clearing of a throat and a gentle reply.

"Well, I suppose congratulations are in order." Captain Hook replied calmly. "I agree." Ursula replied.

Harry stared wide-eyed at his father. "Yer not angry?"

He shook his head. "No Harry. I can see the happiness in your eyes, the happiness your mother always wanted for you. I can't be angry at that. However, I may need a bottle of Rum to gather myself."

"Oh no you don't James!" Ursula scolded. "You've been sober three years now. I won't let you ruin that!"

Harry looked at the pair in disbelief. "Ye quit drinking?"

His father nodded. "Aye, I realized it was doing me more harm than good. That it was creating more pain than it was numbing."

Uma smiled at the screen. "That's wonderful Captain Hook."


She turned to meet her mother's gaze. "Yes mom?"

"I've told you over and 9ver that love is weak. Yet you found it anyway. I'm p-proud you followed your heart." Ursula stuttered out.

Uma knew it took a lot for her mother to say that. "Thanks mom."

"I think we best get this show on the sea or we're going to have us a few sunken ships." A voice cut in.

Harry and Uma turned as Jessica joined them in front of the TV. "Hello James. I've missed you my love."

"Jessica? Is it really you?" Captain Hook asked.

She smiled as she stepped forward and placed her hand against the TV screen. "Of course it's me you old scallywag. I've missed you."

Captain Hook smiled as he placed his hook against the screen with her hand. "And I've missed you. You were always my greatest treasure."

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