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It's been 9 months since the battle with Hades. The people of Auradon have settled into their routines and have adjusted to living alongside the people they once viewed as enemies.

With some help from their children, Captain Hook had the Jolly Roger brought from the Isle to Auradon and Jessica moved back in with him as they rekindled their relationship. Ursula purchased a small cottage near the beach so she could come and go from the ocean as she pleased while still being nearby to see her grandchildren. She and Aaron had spoken several times and though neither wanted a serious relationship, they had agreed to remain friends.

Hadie and Ginny had busied themselves making up for lost time with Hayden, doing their best to give him the family he should have had from the start if not for Hades. Hayden had also settled into his role as a big brother to little Hayley. The two were practically inseparable and more often than not, Hadie and Ginny awoke in the morning to find empty bottles in the sink and Hayden passed out in the recliner with Hayley sleeping on his chest.

Connor's life had also changed for the better. His relationship with Trevor was growing stronger each day and thanks to his mother, Audrey, he now had the freedom to run his own life and make his own choices. Audrey had also made the choice to move in with her Grammy. Audrey had decided she and the kids would live in Auroria until Chad got his priorities straight.

Now, for the first time everyone was celebrating the holiday together and to make things even better, Harry was home for the holidays.

The Hook household was was bustling with activity as everyone gathered for Chrostmas dinner. Uma, Harry, Ulma, Henry, Holden, Captain Hook, Jessica, CJ, Zevon, Harriet, Anthony, their newborn daughter Heather, Ursula, Aaron, Hadie, Ginny, Hayden, Hayley, Audrey, Aria, Connor, Gil, and Quinn were all gathered in the living room as they opened the last of their Christmas presents.

Captain Hook had brought every christmas present he had ever made for his grandchildren, taking up most of the space under the tree. The boys were currently battling it out with their new wooden pirate ships, making the sound effects of cannons being fired while Ulma admired her new sword and the locket Hayden had given her.

"Was that the last of the presents?" Uma asked, looking around the tree.

Henry looked over from his spot on the floor before crawling over towards the tree. "I think I see something mom.

Henry reached under the tree and pulled out a cream-colored envelope with gold details along with a small box. "The envelope is for Aunt Quinn. The box is for Uncle Hadie."

Henry handed them the items before sitting back down. Hadie and Quinn studied the items before looking around at the group.

"Okay, so who are these from?" Hadie asked.

Everyone looked around at eachother but no one stepped forward to claim responsibility for the gifts.

"Okay then." Hadie replied. "I guess we'll open it to find out."

Hadie opened the box and his eyes widened when he pulled out a note and his father's ember. Hadie unfolded the note and quietly began to read.

"What does it say mate?" Harry asked.

"Its from my Uncle Zeus." Hadie explained. "He decided that as Hades oldest child I should take control of his ember. He said I can choose to embrace it or destroy it."

"What are you going to do Dad?" Hayden asked. He didn't have the fondest memories of that blue rock.

Hadie stared at the ember in his hands. "I'm not sure. Quinn, why don't you open your gift while I think about it?"

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