Not the Only One

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"Who are you?"

"Don't kill me! Don't kill me! I'm like you!" He cried, slowly removing his hood.

Ulma's eyes widened when she realized this wasn't a man, but a boy no older than herself. "Y-You're a kid. I don't understand, this shouldn't be possible."

Hayden: Age 16

Hayden: Age 16

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"That's what I thought when I saw you." He replied, keeping his eyes focused on her sword. "I've never met another kid before. Are....Are you going to kill me for spying?"

Ulma searched his face for any sign of deception but found none. She knew the people of the Isle were excellent liars, but the slight hint of fear shining in the boy's eyes told her he was no threat.

"I'm not going to kill you." She assured him, slowly lowering her sword to her side. "But I want to know who you are and why you are here on the Isle."

"I'm Hayden," He replied, glancing around before meeting her gaze. "and I was born here."

"I'm Ulma." She introduced. "Now Hayden, why aren't you in Auradon? Un- King Ben brought over all the villian kids from the Isle to give them a second chance."

Hayden shoved his hands in his pockets and leaned back against the wall. "They didn't invite me. Apparently I'm too dangerous to be given a second chance."

Ulma's brow furrowed in confusion. Her uncle's proclamation had included all VK's. No one should have been left behind. "Too dangerous? How could that be?"

"I'm half-god." He explained. "Apparently godly powers are scarier than mortal magic. I'm guessing that's why your here too. I can sense you have Posidon's blessing."

Ulma was taken back by his words. She had been blessed by Posidon? Since when? Was this another secret her mother had been keeping from her?

She shook the thoughts from her mind before meeting his gaze. "What do you mean I've been blessed?"

"When the gods think someone has potential, they will bless them by bestowing a sliver of their power inside them." Hayden explained. "You must be pretty special for my uncle to bless a villian kid."

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