Everything I Ever Thought I Knew: Part 2

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Yes, I'm aware that I posted a Miraculous Ladybug image in a Descendants Fanfic. It was just the closest I could find to what I wanted)

Harry lead the way back down the hall to Ulma's room with Gil following right behind. Just as they stepped through the threshold a bright blue light flash in the room.

Harry blinked a few times as his vision cleared. Though he had little time to get his bearings before quickly being tackled.


Harry looked down to see his sons hugging him tightly, clearly happy to see him.

"Well, if it isn't my two handsome lads." He chuckled, hugging them tightly. "I missed ye boys."

"We missed you too." Holden replied, releasing his hold. "We kinda grabbed Uncle Hadie at the last second when he was teleporting here. Are you mad?"

"No, I'm not mad. Though ye should be more careful. Who knows where ye might've ended up?" Harry chuckled. "Now where did yer brother go?"

He looked over and saw Henry had wandered over to Ulma's bedside. He was gripping the end of the bed tightly, his body slightly shaking as he stared at his sister.

"Henry?" Harry called softly, walking over to his son. "Are ye alright?"

When Henry didn't reply Harry slowly pulled Henry away to face him. That's when he noticed his wide-eyed expression and rapid breathing.

Harry scooped Henry into his arms and carried him into the hallway. This wasn't the first time Henry had a panic attack.

"Breathe Henry, it's okay. Ulma is going to be okay. But you need to calm down." Harry said gently as he sat his son down in the hallway.

Henry's breathing slowed as Harry rubbed his back. After a few moments, He released a loud sob before collapsing against his father's chest.

"It's alright lad." Harry said, gently rocking him in his arms. "You're okay."

Uma came out in the hallway and smiled when she saw Harry had already calmed Henry down. "Are you okay now?"

Henry nodded, moving away from Harry to accept his mother's embrace. "I'm sorry."

"Don't be." Uma said, brushing through his hair with her fingers. "There's nothing wrong with being upset."

Behind Uma, Hadie was staring at Harry with a knowing look. Slowly, he stood up and made his way over before turning to Uma. "I'm going with Hadie, I'll be right back. Okay?"

Uma nodded, as she continued to hold Henry in her arms. "Go. We'll be right here if you need us."

Harry gave her a quick kiss before motioning for Hadie to follow. The two men fell into step beside eachother as they headed down the hallway.

"I can't believe I have a brother." Hadie admitted, speaking up for the first time. "All these years I've been living the dream and he's been trapped all alone on the Isle. Now to find out like this, I feel awful."

Harry placed a comforting hand on his friend's shoulder as they stopped in front of the door to room 208. "Don't beat yourself up mate. You couldn't have known. You're here now, that's what matters."

Hadie nodded as Harry lead him into the room. The sound of beeping machines filled his ears as he stared at the boy on the bed. He had a messy mop of blue hair that was sticking out from the bandages around his head, one arm in a sling, and the rest of him that could be seen was covered in small cuts and bruises.

Hadie's eyes then travelled to his face. Despite the cuts, bruises, and breathing tube, he could easily spot the similarities in their appearance. There was no doubt in his mind that this boy was his brother.

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