Hooked on the Isle

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"Michael what do I do? I can't hide the truth from her forever." Uma groaned as she stared at her cousin through their video chat.

He sighed as he ran a hand through his hair. "Then don't hide it Uma. Like it or not, we're part Cecaelian. Our mothers' pasts will always be apart of us. Ulma deserves to know where her family comes from."

She scoffed. "She knows where her family comes from."

Michael raised an eyebrow. "Does she really? Last I checked she was learning more about her heritage in school than from you."

Uma's eyes widened. "How do you know that?"

"Ulma confides in Marilla, and Marilla confides in me. Uma, I can't force you to talk with your daughter but you should. Answering her questions won't cause any harm."

Uma sighed in defeat. "I know, but the Cecaelian side, the magic side of our family, is dangerous. I thought maybe when she started sword fighting, she'd embrace the pirate side of our family and forget about the Cecaelian. But then..."

"...she transformed for the first time." Michael finished. "I remember, it was her tenth birthday."

"The kids, the parents, they were scared of her. Most of them left." Uma said softly. "Even I can't transform without my mother's necklace to aid me. Ulma's magic is more powerful than mine ever was. Auradon may be a place of opportunity, but not everyone is willing to give second chances. I just want to protect her."

"I know." Michael admitted. "But you can't stop her from using her magic. It's a part of who she is. One way or another, she'll discover the answers to her questions. If I were you, I would do my best to answer her questions myself before she resorts to that."

Uma nodded. "You're right, thank you Michael." She turned her head as footsteps echoed in the background before turning back to face the screen. "Sounds like the kids are up. I'll talk to you soon."

"Good luck Uma. Bye."

Uma hung up her phone and headed into the kitchen. As she turned the corner she ran into the back of someone else.

"What the...Connor?"

He chuckled as he turned to face her. "Oh hi Aunt Uma. I hope you don't mind I snuck in last night."

Uma smiled as she pulled him into a hug. "Of course not dear. You know you're always welcome here."

Connor smiled, returning the hug. "Thanks. Home hasn't exactly felt like home recently."

"I know that feeling well." She replied breaking the embrace. "Good morning Ulma."

Ulma turned and met her mother's gaze. "Morning mom."

She sighed and placed a hand on Ulma's shoulder. "I'm sorry about last night. I shouldn't have have snapped at you. You deserve to know the truth."

"I'm sorry too mom. I didn't mean what I said, I was just angry." Hope flashed through her eyes. "Does this mean you'll answer my questions?"

Uma sighed. "Yes...but not until you're eighteen."

"Eighteen!?" Ulma snapped. "Why can't you answer them now?"

"Ulma calm down. I'm sorry but it's not the right time. When you're older---"

"When I'm older!? I'm almost 16! I can sword fight and get my learners permit but I can't know about my family!? That's not fair!" Ulma snapped.

Uma sighed. "Please Ulma, be reasonable. You'll learn in time what you want to know. You'll just have to wait a little longer."

"You always have an excuse. Just face it, you're never going to tell me." Ulma grumbled. "Come on Connor, let's get out of here. I need some air."

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