School Days

613 21 10

2 almost 3 years later

Ulma grabbed her backpack and placed her dishes in the sink before placing a kiss on her mom's cheek. "Bye mom, I'm off to school. Boys let's go!"

Uma chuckled as she heard the boys run towards the door. "Have a good day sweetheart."

"I will." Ulma smiled. "Hey mom, how much longer until dad gets back?"

"One more month out to sea and his ship will come to port." She replied.

Ulma sighed. "So he's going to miss my birthday, again."

Uma caressed Ulma's cheek gently in her hand. "Being in the Navy means everything to your father. You know he would be here if he could."

"Three years mom. This will be three years he has missed my birthday. It's not fair." She replied, her voice cracking.

"Ulma I'm sorry. Tell you what, why don't we-"

"No. Just... stop mom. I got to get going the boys are waiting. I'll see you after practice." Ulma turned and stormed out of the house leaving Uma wondering what to do.

"She always was daddy's little girl. Oh Harry, I wish you were here." Uma sighed quietly to herself.


Ulma: age 15

Henry: age 12

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Henry: age 12

Holden: age 12

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Holden: age 12

Holden: age 12

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