Everything I Ever Thought I Knew: Part 1

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The private hospital waiting room felt small as Harry paced back and forth, anxiously waiting for news on his daughter and the mystery boy. He glanced over at the nearby couch where the boys were leaned against each other, fast asleep. Despite several offers to drive them home, the boys had refused to leave. All three quoting, 'Ulma would do the same if it were us.'

Releasing an exasperated sigh Harry sat down, running a hand through his hair. He hadn't felt this scared since the day they discovered Uma was pregnant sixteen years ago. All the doubt and fear he had felt then was slowly creeping out from the back of his mind.

He hadn't been there to protect his daughter. Protecting her was why they had left the Isle in the first place. He had broken the promise he made to himself and Ulma as a father all those years ago.


Uma's soft voice cut through the silence, snapping him out of his thoughts. Her hands found their way into his and he closed his eyes, focusing on the warmth and comfort of her touch.

"Stop blaming yourself. You couldn't have stopped this."

Harry's eyes snapped open as he met her gaze. "How did you....?"

"Because I know you Harry." Uma reasoned. "You come off as a tough guy, but you beat yourself up over every little thing. Right now we need to be strong, for Ulma and the boys."

Harry looked over at the three sleeping teens. The four had become inseparable in their preschool years and that continued even now. Harry couldn't count how many times he had been told that it was odd for Ulma to play with only the boys and not the girls. But he hadn't seen it that way. Ulma was a tough little girl who preferred wrestling and sword fights over dress up and tea parties. If playing with the boys made her happy, then he was happy for her. Now here they were all these years later and he couldn't imagine better friends for his daughter.

Harry sighed. "I know, but I can't help but think what if...."

"Don't say it." Gil's voice cut him off as he entered the room carrying their coffee. "Ulma is strong, she'll pull through."

They nodded, gratefully taking a mug of coffee as Gil settled in a nearby chair. He too had refused to go home, stating that as their best friend and Ulma's godfather he needed to be there.

"Gil?" Uma called softly.


"Could I have a hug? That's how you always cheered me up on the Isle, even though you always got in trouble afterwards."

Gil grinned, moving to sit on the edge of the couch before opening his arms. Uma immediately accepted the invitation and wrapped her arms around him as he did the same.

At a time like this, simple comforts worked best and she was grateful for all he had done for them tonight. Gil had never let her down and she was grateful for his friendship.

The soft click of an opening door caught their attention and immediately they all sat up, anxious for news on their daughter's condition. However, the person who greeted them was not a doctor, but a friend.

"Quinn what are you doing here? It's 5am, I told you that you didn't need to come." Gil said, pulling her into an embrace.

"I couldn't sleep knowing you were all here just waiting for news. In times like this, it's better to be together." Quinn explained, pulling away and sitting down the basket she had been carrying. "Besides, I figured you could use some breakfast. I hope you all like blueberry muffins."

"Thanks Quinn." Uma smiled, giving her a quick hug before moving to allow Harry to do the same.

The four settled down and Gil plucked a muffin from the basket, taking a bite. Quinn chuckled as she brushed the crumbs from his chin. "Don't eat them all. There's still three teenage boys to feed."

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