A Much Needed Reunion

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Ulma pulled away, looking into Hayden's eyes as the two smiled at eachother. She couldn't believe that after all this time he was sitting right in front of her, in Auradon.

She peeked over his shoulder at the other people in the room. Uncle Gil, Aunt Quinn, Connor, Max, Matthew, her mom, and--

"Dad?" Ulma blurted out in disbelief, finally taking notice of the extra person 8n the room.

Harry smiled, moving towards her. "Hey Seastar."

"Dad!" Ulma cried, wrapping her arms tightly around his neck. "I missed you so much!"

Harry held his daughter close, not wanting to let go. It had been six months since he had held her like this and he didn't want the moment to end. "I know, but right now I'm just glad you're okay. You really had us worried."

"I know." Ulma replied softly as she pulled away, hanging her head in regret. "I'm so sorry Dad, I just didn't want to leave Hayden alone on the Isle."

Harry used his finger to gently lift Ulma's chin, allowing their gazes to meet. "Ulma I'm not mad. I understand why you did what you did. The important thing is that you're safe."

Ulma nodded before turning to look at her mother. Their relationship hadn't been the greatest and she felt bad for the fights they had gotten into. "I love you mom, I'm sorry I didn't listen."

Uma sighed, sitting down beside her daughter. "I'm sorry too. I shouldn't have stopped you from learning about our family. You deserve to know where we come from.  Maybe, we can start learning together?"

"I'd like that." Ulma smiled.

"Well now that the family drama is settled, can we get some love? We did escort the amulet here after all." Max cut in, gesturing to himself and the other boys.

"Amulet? What--" Ulma stopped herself when she felt the necklace around her neck. She looked down and stared at the glowing orb in surprise. "Where did this come from?"

Hayden rubbed the back of his neck, chuckling nervously. "Surprise? I went to the Cave of Talents and got your amulet. You sorta spent your birthday unconscious."

"What!?" Ulma stared at him in disbelief. "You went to the Cave of Talents?"

He nodded. "It was the only chance we had to save you. I know how badly you wanted to go, but your life was in danger."

Ulma held the amulet in her hands, studying it closely. It was nothing like she had ever seen. "Its okay, I can't be mad at you for saving my life, again. But why is my amulet so different than all the others I've seen?"

"Its a special amulet, infused with powerful magic. It's only given to those blessed by Posiedon himself." Hayden explained. "At least that's what the guardian told me."

Ulma nodded in understanding as Max cut in again. "Can we please hug her now?"

Everyone chuckled as Harry, Uma, and Hayden moved out of the way, allowing the three boys to gather around the bed. They each took turns giving her a hug with Connor going last.

"Please don't scare me like that ever again. I thought I was going to lose my best friend." Connor admitted, pulling away from the hug.

"I'm not going anywhere, I promise." Ulma smiled, punching him lightly in the arm. "So stop worrying."

"As you wish Captain." Connor teased.

Ulma rolled her eyes. "Alright that's it. Uncle Gil I want a hug now so he has to leave."

Gil chuckled as he came over, pulling her into a hug. "Gladly, I was going crazy sitting in here watching you lay in that bed."

"Uncle Gil!" Ulma scolded, pulling away. "You should have gone home at least a few times!"

"He doesn't listen very well." Quinn sighed, joining the conversation. "I think it's the only quality that he actually inherited from Gaston."

"Hey!" Gil pouted. "You're supposed to be on my side!"

Quinn giggled. "I am on your side. The side of what's best for you."

Ulma smiled. It was good to have everyone here together. Even though she wished it wasn't in a hospital, it was a special moment none the less.


"She's awake!"

The twins came barreling into the room, charging straight into their sister's open arms.

"Henry! Holden! Hey boys, miss me?" Ulma asked with a laugh.

"Yes!" They responded simultaneously.

"Don't ever leave us again!" Henry demanded, crossing his arms.

"Yeah!" Holden continued. "Home isn't home without you in it."

"I love you boys." Ulma smiled, pulling them into another hug.

The boys quickly accepted. "We love you too."

"Good to see the lady of the hour is awake."

Ulma laughed. "Hi Uncle Hadie."

Hayden looked down at his hands, unable to look Hadie in the eye. He had run off without any explanation, Hadie had to be mad.


He willed himself to look up, meeting Hadie's gaze as he stood beside him. "Hey Hadie."

"What you did was very reckless." Hadie began. "But you did the right thing. Just leave a note next time, okay?"

Hayden stared at him in surprise. "You're not mad?"

"Nah." Hadie replied, shaking his head. "We all do crazy things when we're in love."

Hayden blushed as the room dissolved into laughter. Did Hadie have to embarass him?

"Hey." Hadie whispered, poking him with something in the leg. "I thought you might want this."

Hayden glanced down and his eyes widened when he saw the white box in his hand. With everything that had happened, he completely forgot why Ulma had come to the Isle that night. He had gotten her a birthday present.

Hayden took the box from his hand and flashed Hadie a grateful smile before turning to face Ulma, holding out the box. "So, uh, happy belated birthday."

Ulma took the box from his hand, a smile on her face as she opened. The smile only grew when she saw what was inside. "Hayden, it's beautiful. Thank you."

She held up the homemade bracelet for everyone to see. It was a simple bracelet made of braided twine, sea glass, and seashells, but it was beautiful none the less.

"I made it myself

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"I made it myself." Hayden admitted sheepishly. "We don't have much on the Isle, but we make use of what we have."

Ulma smiled, placing a gentle kiss to his cheek. "It's perfect."

Author's Note

Stay tuned, next chapter the real fun begins.


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