I've Got Your Back

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Ulma laid on her bed and stared at the ceiling, unable to sleep. A mix of emotions: anger, hurt, sadness, and betrayal swirled in her mind. All Ulma wanted was to find who she was, but as she got older she found more and more secrets that were being kept.

Ulma rolled over and stared at the photo on her beside table. She was sitting on her Dad's shoulders, both smiling proudly as she waved her sword and trophy in the air above them. Her team had placed first in the Junior R.O.A.R competition for the eight year old division that year.

She grabbed the photo and clutched it to her chest. Her dad had been deployed on a six month training mission at sea. Even though it was his last month, she couldn't wait for him to come home.

With a sigh, she placed the picture on the table and pulled the covers over her head to sleep.

Tap Tap Tap

Ulma groaned as she sat up and turned towards her window. A familiar figure sat crouched on the roof gesturing towards the lock, asking to be let in.

Ulma shook her head and grinned as she got up and unhooked the latch. She opened the window and sighed. "You're a day early Charming. Usually you don't show up until Saturday night."

Connor chuckled halfheartedly as he shut the window and tossed his bag on the floor. "Well, mom and dad didn't bother to greet me when I came home or eat dinner with me so I doubt they'll notice."

Ulma frowned as she sat on her bed and patted the space next to her. "Wow, you've got parents of the year alright."

"Tell me about it." He sighed, plopping down beside her and running a hand through his hair. "You'd think since I live at school all week they'd want to spend some time with me when I come home."

"Well, you know you're always welcome here. The boys practically see you as a big brother and mom's started setting an extra place setting on saturday nights cause she knows you'll be showing up." Ulma grinned, punching his shoulder lightly.

Conner nodded. "I know, your parents have raised me more than my own. I know they have a kingdom to run and my younger sister to take care of, but they could at least try to show up once in a while."

Ulma placed a hand on his cheek and gently turned his face towards her. "Hey, one day they are going to realize how much they've missed and regret it. Until then, we'll be your support system. You're apart of our family."

"Thanks Ulma. This place has always felt like home." He laid his head on her shoulder and twirled a strand of hair around his finger. "So how about you? Are you okay? You're room looks like a hurricane blew through it."

Ulma crossed her arms over her chest and scoffed. "It is not that bad."

"You're desk chair is flipped, your entire closet is strewn on the floor, and there's an arsenal of paper balls scattered in front of your door. Face it, this is a crime scene of one of your famous 'Hook Rampages'. What caused you to lose your temper?" Connor asked, concern etched in his features.

Ulma sighed, looking down at her feet that were swinging nervously off the side of her bed. "I asked my mom about the cecaelian sweet sixteen tradition. She said it was lost and when I brought up asking Grandma Ursula, she lost it."

Connor picked up a couple paper balls and began to juggle them. "Uh huh. And how did you react?"

"I...I told her I hated her and wished she was on the Isle. I was so angry, I messed up." Ulma admitted. Suddenly, a paper ball bounced off her head causing her to turn towards Connor.

"Hey we all make mistakes. Just apologize in the morning after things cool down." He smiled as he placed a gentle hand on her shoulder. "One day you'll get the answers you're looking for, don't give up."

Ulma nodded as she stood up and walked over to the window. She let her gaze wander to the small flickering lights of the Isle in the distance. "What if I'm tired of waiting? What if... I decide to get answers on my own?"

Connor came to stand beside her, allowing his gaze to follow hers as the realization dawned on him. "You can't seriously be thinking of going there? The people of the Isle are dangerous!"

"My parents are from the Isle, I'm part Isle." Ulma scoffed. "Do you think we're dangerous?"

"Of course not Ulms, you know that." He sighed. "I just don't want you getting hurt. Remember what happened to Uncle Ben?"

Ulma snorted as she bit back a laugh. "Yeah, my parents and Uncle Gil captured him. He escaped with a little help though. Besides, they brought over all the kids from the Isle. All that's left is a bunch of villainous senior citizens. What's the worst they can do? Yell at me to get off their lawn?"

"You know what Professor Deley says," Connor chided, his tone serious. "It's always a mistake to----"

"----underestimate a villian." Ulma finished. "I know. But if anyone can answer my questions, it's Grandma Ursula."

"There's no talking you out of this, is there?" She shook her head as Connor sighed and ran a hand through his hair. "Then I guess I'll have to help you."

Ulma stared at him with wide eyes. "You will?"

"Of course, we've been best friends since I was in kindergarten. Besides I've always wondered what the Isle was like." He smirked.

Ulma's eyes widened as his words sunk in. "Woah, woah, woah, you are not going to the Isle."

"But Ulma----"

"No buts." She scolded. "You're royalty, that makes you more of a target. I have family there. I can't vouch for Grandma Ursula, but I know Grandpa James won't let anyone touch me."

Connor huffed. "Fine, then how can I help if I'm not going?"

"I need the remote they keep in the limo to open the barrier. Can you get it for me?" Ulma asked.

"Totally," He grinned. "I can just tell Jacque I'm going to practice my driving and bring it right to you."

"Perfect!" Ulma squealed quietly. "Can you get it by tomorrow night?"

"Yeah, but are you sure you want to leave so soon?" He asked.

She nodded. "After everything that's happened, I need to escape."

"Well then, just promise me you'll be careful." Connor whispered, pulling her into a hug. "I'd never forgive myself if you got hurt."

Ulma melted into the embrace. "I'll be fine, I promise. Now, I think we should both get some sleep."

"Fine." Connor released her and fell back on the bed. "Good night."

Ulma stifled a laugh as she jumped on the bed and shoved him onto the floor. "Couch for you doofus."

Connor gave her his best pout face as he pulled himself up out of the floor. "You're mean."

"Good night Connor." She chuckled.

He huffed and face planted into the pillow on the couch before giving a muffled reply.

Ulma shook her head as she turned out the light. Her mind racing with excitement for what was to come.

Author's Note

I updated. Yay! Enjoy guys and yay summer is finally coming around!


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