Do You Trust Me?

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Trevor yawned as he slowly began to wake up. After rubbing his eyes he looked up only to find a mop of brown hair resting on his chest.

The boys had stayed up late playing videogames before ending the night with a movie, which they had clearly fallen asleep while watching.

Trevor couldn't help but chuckle at their position. He was laid out on his back meanwhile Connor was on his stomach, his head on his chest with his left arm and leg slung over his body.

He knew if the R.O.A.R. team was here they would have snapped a thousand pictures by now, especially the Darling twins.

Trevor sighed. As cute as Connor looked sleeping on his chest, he needed to head back to his dorm to get ready for school.

"Conner." He called out softly, shaking his friend's shoulder. "Connor, wake up sleeping beauty."


Connor lifted his head, blinky groggily at Trevor as he got his bearings. Trevor smirked as his face morphed from confusion to shock as he realized their position.

"Hi." Trevor chuckled, giving a small wave. "I guess I make a good pillow, huh?"

"I-I am so sorry!" Connor blurted out, frantically searching for a way to get off him. "This is so embarassing."

"Connor relax it's cool. I don't mind." Trevor grinned, trying to reassure his friend. However, Connor was too busy panicking to hear what he had said.

"I can't believe this is happening right now. I need to get up. How do I----"


Connor's eyes widened in disbelief as the realization that Trevor, one of his best friends and teammates, was kissing him hit home.

Trevor slowly pulled away, smirking at the blush that was steadily growing darker on Connor's dumbstruck face. "Do I have your attention now?"

Connor nodded, dazed and unable to find his words. He couldn't bring himself to believe what had just happened.

"Good, because if you haven't figured it out our R.O.A.R. swords are straighter than we are." Trevor chuckled, helping him maneuver so that they were both sitting up on the couch.

His laughter faded out as he realized that Connor didn't share in his humor as he focused his gaze on the carpet below them.


"How did you know?"

Trevor sighed, using his hand to turn Connor's face towards him. "I figured it out a long time ago. When all the other guys talked about girls you never joined in, your eyes tend to wander whenever a hot guy passes by, and don't get me started on the holes you've burned into your locker trying not to look around the locker room."

A ghost of a smile formed on Connor's lips. "I was that obvious huh?"

"Completely obvious." Trevor agreed with a chuckle. "Kinda like my crush on you."

Connor raised an eyebrow at his words, but his blush continued to darken. "You have a crush on me? Since when?"

Trevor sighed, leaning back against the couch. "Eighth grade, you wore a baby blue suit to the winter formal. Guess my crush was obvious to everyone except you."

"I hated that suit." Connor chuckled lightly, remembering the awful, brightly colored suit his father had forced him to wear.

Trevor shook his head with a smile. "Yeah well, you still looked charming. Even if you didn't notice me."

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