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"Mom, Dad we're home!" Briella called out as the entered the castle. "And Henry's here to work on our science project!"

King Ben and Queen Mal entered the main hall and smiled as they embraced their children in a hug.

"Briella, Mason how was school?" Mal asked, hugging her children.

"Great!" Briella replied.

Mason sighed. "Boring."

Ben and Mal shared a look as they chuckled. They had discovered early on that their children had very different personalities, and it showed.

"Well either way, go get your homework done. Once you're both ready we'll start family game night." Ben replied.

The two nodded as Mal moved to envelop Henry in a hug as well. "And you are more than welcome to join us Henry. How was your day?"

"It was good Aunt Mal." Henry smiled. "I got a 100% on my math test."

"That's wonderful sweetheart, congratulations." Mal beamed proudly before turning to her daughter. "So what did you get?"

Briella groaned and sent Henry a playful glare as she replied. "An 80%. I stink at math okay?"

"An 80% is not bad." Ben encouraged. "Don't be so hard on yourself."

"But Henry doesn't even study. It's not fair!" Briella pouted.

"Hey!" Henry whined. "Don't blame me! I offered to help you study!"

"Alright you two that's enough." Mal chuckled. "Go get your project done."

"Yes mam." They chorused.

Briella grabbed Henry's hand dragging him away from her parents and into her bedroom. She grabbed their animal cell model from her desk and sat it on the floor between them.

"Alright, so we finished the paper. Now we just need to add the parts to our cell model. I've got pipe cleaners for the Golgi Apparatus and Endoplasmic Reticulum. And different kind of beads for the Ribosomes, Lysosomes, and Mitochondrian. Everything else has already been put on and labeled." Briella explained, laying out the supplies.

"You've really been busy." Henry complimented, picking up a bottle of glue. "Well let's finish this. I can't wait to see Holden's face."

"Why's that?" Briella asked.

Henry smirked. "Because he and Ethan did a plant cell and it is nowhere as good as ours. Let's just say I got the brains and he got the brawn."

Briella laughed as she started laying out the Mitochondrion. "I can't believe you just bashed your own twin."

"Just speaking the truth." Henry admitted. "That's why I don't partner with my brother. Too much extra work."

Now it was Briella's turn to smirk. "You sure their wasn't another reason?"

Henry's cheeks tinted pink. "No, I don't think so."

"You're a terrible liar." Briella laughed.

"Shut up Princess." Henry huffed.

"Make me." Briella teased.

Henry rolled his eyes. "Let's just finish the project okay?"

She sighed. "Fine."

After about an hour of gluing and labeling the project was finally complete. The two cleaned up the mess and placed the project safely on Briella's desk.

"Ready for game night?" Briella asked.

"Yup." Henry grinned. ""Are you ready to get beat in Uno?"

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