The Power of the Sea

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Hayden looked over to peer at the screen. "What is it? What did you find?"

Henry turned the phone so that he could read the screen. Bold red letters stating 'Isle Communication System' flashed at the top and a green phone icon sat at the bottom.

"This is the system that they use to call people on the Isle. Only adults and authorized personnel have access to this." Henry explained. "How did Ulma get access to it? And who has she been calling?"

Hayden shrugged. "Not me, I don't have any tech. Your grandparents perhaps?"

Henry glanced at the screen for a moment before pressing the green phone icon. "Only one way to find out."

The two boys watched the screen as the call was patched through the system. At first, it seemed like no one was going to answer until the screen blinked and a familiar face appeared.

"Ulma, thank Neverland you're alright! I was s-- Henry?"

"Grandpa!?" Henry exclaimed in disbelief. "Ulma's been calling you?"

"Yes, we've been getting some extra phone time. But where's your sister? Why do you have her phone? And is that the boy who was with her?" Captain Hook rambled.

"Grandpa slow down!" Henry fussed, grabbing his attention. "Ulma's hurt really bad. She's in a coma. They said they don't know if she'll wake up. We were searching her phone for a way to help her and found the communication system open."

"And yeah, I'm Hayden, the boy who was with her." Hayden cut in. "I'm part god so they healed me with nectar, but Ulma's recovery isn't so easy. We want to help her, but no one knows what to do."

Captain Hook was quiet as he absorbed the information.  The old Captain looked to be on the verge of tears as he stood up from his desk. "I'm going to get Ursula. If anyone would know a way to save Ulma, it's her."

He disappeared off screen and Hayden glanced at Henry who was staring at the screen with wide eyes.

"You okay kid?" Hayden asked.

Henry shook his head, his eyes never leaving the screen. "I haven't seen Grandma Ursula in 3 years. Last time we talked, she scared Holden and I with her ranting about some prophecy. I'm nervous to see her again."

"Don't be." Hayden said gently. "She's your grandmother, I doubt she intended to scare you back then. If Ulma was willing to reconnect with them, then you should be too."

Henry nodded, turning to flash him a grateful smile. "Thanks, for a guy who grew up with villians, you're pretty cool. I can see why Ulma likes you."

Hayden grinned as they heard a door slam off screen, followed by the sound of frantic voices.

"Why didn't you tell me sooner James!? This is serious! I should have been notified as soon as you got back to the wharf!"

"Ursula, I didn't think it was this serious! I figured once they got her to Auradon they'd have her fixed up in no time! How could I have known her magic had been drained!?"

"You still should have said something! She's my granddaughter t--  Henry?"

"Hi Grandma." Henry replied quietly, giving a small wave.

Ursula moved closer to the screen, studying him with wide eyes. "My, look how you've grown. Where's your brother?"

"At the hospital with Mom, dad, and Ulma. I'm home with Uncle Hadie and Aunt Ginny. Oh, and this is Hayden." He introduced, gesturing to the boy beside him.

"Ah, the lost descendant of Hades. James told me about you." Ursula crooned, studying him. "The face can hold many secrets, but the eyes never lie. You care deeply for my granddaughter, do you not?"

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