Family Secrets

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Everyone went quiet as Ursula dropped to her knees and fell to the ground, all too stunned to move.

"Grandma!" Ulma cried as she dropped to her knees beside her grandmother. "Grandma no!"

"Oh mom." Uma gasped, dropping down beside her daughter and wrapping an arm around her shoulders. She stared at her mother in disbelief, unsure what to do.

Harry reached down and checked for a pulse, only to shake his head in dismay. Tears fell down Uma's cheeks, she had never gotten the chance to tell her mother she did love her.

Ulma clutched her pendant, something she would have never received if not for her grandmother. She could hear the boys sniffling behind her. That was when she noticed her pendant was warm, too warm.

Ulma looked down and opened her hand, revealing the pendant's glow. Ulma stared at it in shock, unsure of what to do. She wasn't trying to use magic, so why would it glow?

As if answering her question, a man's voice echoed in her head. "The moon and ocean, they are different yet connected. Push and pull, ying and yang, life and death. You have only begun to discover your talents. You have everything you need, use your powers and my blessing. Deep down, you know what to do."

"Dad, roll her over." Ulma commanded quickly, opening her eyes.

"What?" Harry asked in confusion.

"Roll grandma over, quickly." Ulma repeated. "Henry, get me some water."

Harry turned Ursula onto her side as Henry came back, his hands cupped and filled with water.

"Put the water on grandma's back." Ulma ordered.

"Ulma, what are you doing?" Uma asked.

Ulma didn't respond as she raised her hands and focused the the water. At her command it stopped moving and formed a circle over the burns on her grandmother's back. Ulma closed her eyes as she focused on the water, commanding it to heal the damage Hades had done. The water glowed and slowly, the burns vanished.

Everyone gasped as Ursula coughed and slowly sat up. She looked around and sighed in relief when she saw Ulma. "Ulma, are you alright?"

Ulma snapped from her trance and stared at her grandmother before embracing her in a hug. "I'm fine and so are you."

Ursula chuckled as she accepted the hug before pulling away and staring at Ulma's hands in amazement. "Healing and Energy manipulation. Those are your abilities. How wonderful."

"Thank you." Ulma smiled.

Uma watched them quietly unsure of what to say or do. Ursula noticed her hesitation and lifted Uma's chin with her hand. "I know I wasn't a good mother. I don't blame you for hating me, but I want you to know I have always loved you. Even if I never showed it."

Tears pooled in Uma's eyes as she embraced her mother. "I love you too mom and I forgive you."

Ulma smiled as she watched her mom and grandmother reconnect. Maybe they could be a family after all. She looked up and all around her she saw families smiling and hugging and reconnecting.

Gaston was hugging his sons; Evil Queen and Evie were engrossed in conversation; Carlos was introducing Cruella to Jane; Jafar was smiling proudly as he held his granddaughters, laughing heartily when the youngest tugged on his goatee; and even her father was talking to her grandfather. Things were finally the way they should be.

A booming laugh interrupted the reunion and everyone turned to see a man and woman on the balcony above them They were wearing traditional greek clothes and golden laurel crowns.

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