Under the Sea: Part 2

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Hayden sunk to the sea floor with his head in his hands. He had lost the necklace, the only object that could lead him to the Cave of Talents. His only chance to save Ulma, gone.

Hayden's thoughts raced as he thought about all the people he would be letting down. Henry, who wanted his sister back; Connor, who wanted his best friend to be healed; Harry and Uma, who wanted their daughter healthy; Ursula and Captain Hook, who had offered what they could to help them save their granddaughter.

He had let them all down. Now, as he looked around, all he could see was kelp. Hayden wasn't even sure he could find his way home. Saving Ulma had been the only thing on his mind and he hadn't thought things through.

Hayden felt the hot tears brimming in his eyes before mixing with the salty sea. He had no idea what he was going to do.

"Are you okay?"

Hayden jumped at the sound of the voice, looking around frantically for its source. "W-Who said that?"

"I did! Hi there!" The friendly voice chirped as a small, red crab swam up in front of him.

Hayden stared at the crab, his mouth agape in surprise. "You can talk!? But you're a crab!"

"All creatures of the sea can speak to each other." The little crab replied, placing her claws on her 'hips'. "Everyone knows that!"

"I'm not from the sea." Hayden replied. "I'm just visiting by using a magic necklace. I'm just human, well half-human I guess. I don't really know who my mom was."

"You're a human!?" The little crab squealed in excitement. "What's it like to live on land? Does the sun really make the dry sand hot? Do people really eat crabs?"

"Woah, slow down there." Hayden pleaded, raising his hands in defense. "I sorry, but I don't have time to answer questions. I have to find the Cave of Talents. It's the my only chance at saving the girl I.... I love."

"Is that why you look so sad? What happened to her?" The little crab asked, swimming along beside him.

"She's hurt really bad, and if I don't find the Cave of Talents she might not make it." Hayden sighed, continuing to swim further through the kelp forest. "I promised to save her, but I messed up. I lost her great grandmother's necklace and it was my only chance at finding the Cave of Talents."

The little crab was silent as she swam up and sat on his head, nestling into his hair and resting against his scalp.

"I'm sorry." She said quietly. "I don't know what I'd do if something happened to my dad."

Hayden stopped swimming and reached up, carefully scooping the little crab of his head and cradling her in his hands.

"Hey, I'm the one who should be sorry." He replied gently. "You've been so kind to me and I've just been brushing you off. Let's start over, I'm Hayden. What's your name?"

"I'm Sally." The little crab grinned. "It's nice to meet you."

Hayden smiled. "Well Sally, looks like you're my first official friend from under the sea.

"Yay!" Sally cheered snapping her claws in excitement. "A land friend, a land friend, I have a land friend!"

Hayden laughed as the she danced in the palms of his hands. "Okay, okay, stop! That tickles!"

"Oops, sorry!" Sally giggled, stopping her happy dance. "Hey you said you needed to get to the Cave of Talents right?"

"Yeah, do you know where it is?" Hayden asked hopefully.

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