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"Again." Hades ordered as he forced Hayden to practice his powers. A wave of the ember had been all it took to take control of Pain and Panic and have him brought there.

Hayden released a shakey breath as he tried once more to form a wall of fire around himself. The flames slowly swirled around him at first but as they grew taller and faster, he panicked. All at once Hayden lost his focus and the flames around him exploded outward before dissipating.

Hayden collapsed to the ground, his breathing heavy. It had been hours since they started and he was exhausted.

"Get up." His father growled. "I told you no break until you get it right."

Hayden slowly pushed himself onto his knees with a grunt. As he rose, his knees buckled and he collapsed to the floor once more. His body wasn't use to constantly expelling magic for long periods of time. He was weak and drained.

"Aaaaah!" Hayden yelped in pain as his father yanked him up by his hair.

Hades growled as his grip tightened. "I thought I told you to get up."

"I'm sorry," He whimpered, desperately trying and failing to find the energy to stand. "but I'm just too tired. I'm not use to using my powers. I promise I'll keep working just let me rest for a moment Father, please?"

"Please?" Hades mimicked before tossing Hayden to the ground. "Pathetic! You are a demigod! Holder of the internal flame! Yet you can't even make it through one day of training!? Hercules could go from sunrise to sunset! My brother's children were always strong and yet I'm left with you!"

"And Hadie." He mumbled, pushing himself up against a nearby wall.

"What did you say?" Hades snapped, whirling around to face him.

Hayden flinched at his father's tone. "N-Nothing."

Hades hair flared red as he extended his hand. Gray tendrils of smoke swirled through the air, wrapping around Hayden and yanking him towards his father. "Don't lie to me boy! What did you say!?"

"A-And Hadie." He choked out as the smokey tendrils tightened their hold.

"Hadie. Hadie betrayed me. He left me here to rot when he went to Auradon. Hadie didn't have the internal flame. Hadie is nothing! That is why you must train! You must become everything he could never be!" Hades ranted.

He raised a hand to strike Hayden when his eyes widened in surprise. Hades dropped him to the floor with a loud thud as he rushed over to his Ember.

A cruel smile grew on Hades face as he gazed into the Ember's light. A wicked plan formed in his mind as he turned back to Hayden.

"Someone once said if you want something done right, you have to do it yourself." He laughed darkly. "Ancient law forbids the gods to steal the powers of any god or God-born for their own gain. But there's nothing that says I can't take hers!"

Flames swirled from the Ember, revealing an image of a girl walking through the Isle alone. Her red-tipped hair flowing behind her as her blue eyes kept watch as she quickly made her way through the alleys.

Hayden's eyes widened at the image in front of him. Not her, any one but her.

"You know her, don't you?" Hades taunted. "Well now because of your incompetence, she will pay the price! Pain! Panic!"

"No!" Hayden cried, desperately pulling himself up as he leaned on the nearby wall for support. "I'll do whatever you want, just don't hurt her! Don't hurt Ulma."

Hades ignored his pleas as Pain and Panic rushed into the room.

"Y-Yes Lord Hades?" Panic squeaked.

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