Together As One

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The sound of feet pounding against hard stone echoed through the air as Hayden, Connor, and Trevor made their way across the bridge to the Isle.

"Are you sure this is a good idea?" Connor asked as they ran along the bridge. "What if we can't convince them?"

"We have to." Hayden replied. "Its the only way. My father is a god, we'll need everyone we can get."

Just as the boys reached the other side a loud explosion shook the bridge. The boys looked on in disbelief as the barrier disintegrated in front of them.

"Well, good news is we don't need the remote anymore." Trevor chuckled nervously.

"We have to hurry." Hayden told them. "We have to get them to hear us out before they cross the bridge."

The boys ran to the end of the bridge and stood side by side as a crowd of villians approached, eager to leave the island.

"Stop!" Hayden ordered.

"Get out of our way!" Gaston shouted, making Connor flinch.

Jafar laughed. "Our time has finally come!"

"Off with their heads!" The Queen of Hearts snapped.

"No!" Hayden shouted, pointing up at the large TV screen behind them that was broadcasting the battle with Hades. "Look up there! Those are the people you will be fighting! They're your kids, your grandkids, nieces, nephews! They are your family! I know you're angry, I know you want to make them pay for leaving you on this awful Island, but is it worth losing your families a second time!? Deep down, you know you miss your kids! If you help Hades he won't spare them! Is your freedom worth that sacrifice!?"

The crowd of villians went silent as they turned to look up at the screen. Faces flashed up on the screen showing their strain as the struggled to stand strong against Hades' power.

"My boys." Gaston gaped as Gil, Tony, and Gus flashed across the screen.

Dr. Facilier removed his top hat as Freddie and Celia came on screen. "My daughters."

Connor heard a loud gasp and turned to see Anastasia, Drizella, and Lady Tremaine staring as his Aunt Dizzy and Uncle Anthony came on screen.

"My Carlos." Cruella whimpered under her breath.

"I'm a grandpa." Jafar gaped, staring at his son on screen hold a little girl.

Tears formed in the Evil Queen's eyes when she saw her pregnant daughter on screen. "My Evie."

"The boy is right." Captain Hook announced, coming to stand next to Hayden. "We were not the best parents to our kids. We made many mistakes and did things we are not proud of, but today we can do something right."

"We've lost enough time while trapped on this Island." Ursula agreed, joining Hook on the bridge. "Let us leave the past in the past and start anew today. It is time we joined our children in Auradon, not as Villians, but as heroes."

At first no one moved, but then Lady Tremiane raised her cane. "I'm not getting any younger. Let us fight for peace."

Anastasia and Drizella followed her onto the bridge. Behind them Gaston followed. "It's time I told my boys that I am proud of the men they have become."

One by one the villians stepped forward, making the choice for the first time, to fight for good instead of evil. The boys looked at eachother in surprise and glee. They had succeeded.

"Come on!" Hayden called out. "We have to hurry!"

"Allow me!" Mad Madam Mim giggled gleefully.

Before anyone could object the were engulfed in purple smoke. When it cleared they found themselves standing between Hades and the heroes.

"They have arrived!" Hades cackled. "Villians! Now is your time to get revenge! Victory is ours!"

"No!" Hayden's voice echoed over the area as he separated himself from the crowd. "Victory is ours! You may want revenge father, but you are alone in that conquest!"

At his words the villians moved towards the heroes. They joined the circle, standing with their children with their heads held high.
Hades growled in anger as he realized what was happening.

"What is the meaning of this!?"

"Times have changed Hades!" Ursula replied, standing her ground. "We are not the people we used to be, we have learned from our mistakes. It is true we once feared your name, but now, our love for our families is stronger than our fear of you!"

Ursula made her way over to stand beside her daughter. Uma stared at her warily as Ulma smiled and extended her hand. Ursula took it and joined the circle as Captain Hook gave a nod towards his son and did the same.

"Maleficent." Ursula called out. "Could you be a dear and summon our talismans?"

Maleficent nodded and tapped her sceptor on the ground. Several puffs of purple smoke appeared throughout the circle and when it cleared, the villians smiled. Jafar now had his staff, Evil Queen had her mirror, and Ursula had her necklace.

Ursula placed a hand over her necklace and closed her eyes as it glowed beneath her hand. Suddenly, she was wearing a black dress and her tentacles disappeared and legs took their place. "Much better."

Hayden made his way over and took Ulma's other hand. She smiled and gave his hand a reassuring squeeze as they faced Hades together.

"You will all regret this!" Hades bellowed, shooting a few more blasts at them.

The shield around them glowed and the blasts bounced of it harmlessly as Maleficent turned to Mal. "Do you remember the spell you defeated me with?"

"Of course." Mal nodded. "Why?"

Maleficent grinned. "Because that is how we will defeat Hades."

Mal nodded as she began to chant the words as loud as she could. "The strength of evil is good as none, when stands before our hearts as one!"

As more people heard the chant they began to chant it as well. Maleficent's sceptor glowed, Mal, Briella, and Mason's eyes glowed, Jafar's staff and Evil Queen's mirror lit up, Hayden and Hadie's hair lit into flames, and Ursula and Ulma's necklaces glowed as well.

"The strength of evil is good as none, when stands before our hearts as one!"

"The strength of evil is good as none, when stands before our hearts as one!"

"The strength of evil is good as none, when stands before our hearts as one!"

"You cannot defeat me!" Hades bellowed. "I am a god!"

Despite his words a golden swirl of magic enveloped him, slowly closing in. Hades snarled as he tried to fight against the magic, but it was no use. He realized their was no escape, but that didn't mean he had to go down alone.

"I will not go down alone!" Hades snarled as he raised his ember one last time, releasing one last mighty blast before being consumed by the magic and disappearing.

Ursula's eyes widened when she realized the path of the blast and its target. Ursula turned her back towards the blast and wrapped her arms around her granddaughter.
The last thing everyone heard was Ursula crying out in pain as she was struck by the blast.

Author's Note

I am so sorry it has taken me this long to update. I got busy with other stories and this one got put on the back burner for a bit. However, it's always better late than never so look forward to the final chapters of this story.


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