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Hayden didn't know how long he had sat there sobbing as he held Ulma's hand when a gentle hand was placed on his shoulder. He looked up and saw Hadie standing beside him with sympathetic look. "I've finished your discharge papers. It's time to go home, well back to Harry and Uma's place that is."

Hayden glanced back at Ulma, his fingers firmly intertwined with hers. "I want to stay here."

"Hayden." Hadie's voice was soft, yet firm. "You've been through alot and your body needs time to rest. I know you feel like you need to be here, but Ulma has plenty of people watching over her. We can come back later tonight before visiting hours are over, but tight now I want you to come with us."

Hayden turned to his brother and stared. Part of him wanted to argue, wanted to fight to stay here at the hospital, but the other part of him was exhausted. He knew he needed rest and that he would be no good to Ulma if he was weak. "Okay."

Hadie reached for the handles of the wheelchair but Hayden shook his head, slowly standing up. "I can walk, the pain in my back is gone now. My arm is better too, guess the nectar finished its job."

Hadie nodded. "Alright, just take it easy. You still might have some injuries."

Hayden nodded and slowly followed his brother towards the door. He could hear light footsteps behind him and figured it was Hadie's wife following them.

"Can I go too?" A quiet voice asked.

"Of course Henry." Hadie's voice answered. "Come on."

The small group made their way down the hall towards the hospital's entrance. As they entered the waiting room, Hayden suddenly found himself in front of a large crowd.

"Hadie is Ulma alright? What's going on? What happened?"

Hayden looked up and was stunned to see the King and Queen of Auradon in front of him. Behind them, a large group of people waited for answers with anxious expressions.

"She's stable." Hadie answered. "But Ulma is in a coma. The doctors aren't sure when or if she'll wake up."

Several gasps erupted from the crowd and a heavily pregnant woman with blue hair covered her mouth in disbelief as a man with glasses wrapped a comforting arm around her shoulders.

"Is there anything we can do?" A man with long dark hair asked as he held tightly to the little girl who was sleeping in his arms.

"Not at this time Jay." Hadie sighed. "Right now, all we can do is support Harry, Uma, and their family and help them through this."

"I hate situations like this. It makes us all feel useless." A young man with black and white hair spoke up.

"We'll find little ways to help them out, don't worry." The brown haired woman beside him encouraged.

"Jane's right." King Ben spoke up. "We can all find ways to help. Anything they need, we'll be there to provide."

"That's very thoughtful of you." Hadie smiled. "I'm sure Harry and Uma will be grateful. We'll leave you all to visit, I have to take my family home and Henry."

Everyone's gaze turned to Hayden and he gulped as they took notice of him.

"Who....?" Queen Mal began before being cut off.

"My brother Hayden." Hadie interrupted. "I'll explain later."

Mal nodded, not pushing the subject. "Alright then. Briella, come on dear let's go."

Hayden glanced around confused until he spotted the young purple haired girl who was hugging Henry. The two looked as if they were clinging to each other for dear life before they slowly pulled away.

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