Hades Return

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Henry had never swam so fast in his life. He propelled himself through the water, aiming for the light at the end of the tunnel. When he was finally able to surface, there was no time to rest.

Once on shore, Henry transformed back and took off running, thankful for the camping trips he had taken with his dad where he taught him how to navigate the area.

It wasn't long before he was back on the streets of Auradon running towards home. Henry dodged the people walking along the streets as he ran. All he could think about was getting home and getting help before it was too late.

Everything passed by him in a blur and the next thing Henry knew, he was standing in his living room rambling as he tried to explain what was wrong. "Hades....castle....attacking....help!"

"Slow down lad!" Harry pleaded. "What's going on?"

"Hades is attacking the castle!" Henry cried. "Aunt Mal and Uncle Ben need help! And Briella and Mason are trapped inside!"

Everyone's eyes widened at his words. How could Hades be in Auradon? How did he escape the Isle?

"Henry are you sure?" Uma asked, trying to hide the worry in her voice.

"Yes! I saw him with my own eyes!" Henry cried. "We have to do something! Ulma you have to do something!"

"No!" Uma shouted. "I will not let your sister fight a god!"

"Mom!" Ulma snapped. "It's not your choice! The prophecy says that this is my destiny! This is my battle! You can't keep me from it!
Eyes of the ocean blue

Skin of caramel hue

A hero born of land and sea

Will set only the worthy free

The shell and dragon must join as one

If the battle is to be won

For when the god below becomes aroused

Only together will the fires be doused

And once the broken families are healed

A burning secret will be revealed"

"Ulma...." Uma pleaded.

"No mom, I finally get it now." Ulma explained. "The god below, that's Hades. The dragon and the shell, that's me and Aunt Mal. Together the fires will be doused, we will stop Hades together. Mom, it's time and I know you're scared but I have to do this."

"Not alone." Hadie cut in. "My father is dangerous. It's going to take all of us."

Hayden nodded. "Hadie is right, you're going to need help. Alot of help."

Hadie turned and looked at Ginny, he placed a kiss on her forehead and his daughter's. "Call all of our friends, tell them to get to the castle as fast as they can. We'll hold him off until then. You guys with me?"

Harry nodded. "Aye, Auradon is our home. As an Admiral of the Auradon Navy, I will fight for my kingdom."

"I'm not letting my daughter go alone." Uma said. "I've fought for this kingdom before, I'll do it again."

"I'm going too." Henry spoke up. "I have to make sure Briella and Mason are okay."

"If Henry is going so am I." Added Holden.

"Boys, I don't know..." Uma began.

"Of course they can come." Harry cut her off. "They'll be fine."

"Hayden?" Ulma questioned.

"I want to help you." Hayden began. "But I'm not ready to face my father. I'll stay here and help Ginny gather people to help. I'm sorry."

Ulma shook her head, intertwining their fingers as she spoke. "Don't be. Your father has hurt you so many times. If you don't want to face him, that's okay."

Hayden pressed a kiss to her forehead before pulling her into his arms. "Just be safe. I can't bare the thought of seeing you hurt again."

"I will, I promise." Ulma agreed just as the TV blared to life behind her.

"Hello Auradon!" Hades cackled. "I'm back!"

Uma gasped as Ulma whirled around, staring the TV with wide eyes.

"I'm afraid the king is a little tied up right now!" Hades continued, revealing Ben who was wrapped in his smokey tendrils. "Shortly, he will join the Underworld and anyone who dare opposes me will suffer the same fate!"

"No!" Henry shouted at the TV.

Hades cackled as he continued. "Once the king is out of the way, I will open the barrier and all the villians will finally get their chance to seek revenge! Good will finally bow before evil and the world will be ours!"

Just as Hades finished speaking a stream of green fire spewed just over his head. He growled and raised his ember, then the tv screen went dark.

"We have to go now!" Harry ordered, returning to the living room with his sword and Uma's. "Ben's life is in danger and Mal is fighting on her own! Let's go everyone!"

The small group fled from the house making their way towards the castle, leaving Ginny and Hayden behind. Ginny immediately picked up her phone to call Gil when she noticed Hayden putting his shoes on.

"Where are you going?" She asked.

"To get help." Hayden replied.

Ginny pointed to the landline. "Its quicker to call."

Hayden shook his head. "Its not going to be that easy. I have an idea, but I'm going to have to go see Ulma's friends first. Just trust me okay? I'll call if I have any problems."

Ginny looked at Hayden and sighed. He had the same determination in his eyes that she'd seen in Hadie's countless times before. She knew there was no stopping him. "Just be careful."

"I will don't worry." Hayden promised. "If all works out, we'll have an army."


The small group approached the castle with extreme caution. They could see Mal in dragon form battling it out with Hades at the top of the castle. For now, the two seemed equally matched but everyone knew that could quickly change.

"Alright, we need a plan." Harry announced. "First and foremost, we'll need to infiltrate the castle."

"Well with Mal distracting Hades we should be able to sneak through the front door." Uma pointed out.

"But we could be spotted." Harry argued.

"Well the back of the castle is inaccessible from the outside so we don't have much choice." Uma shot back.

"Fine, but everyone follows my signals. You only move when I say so. Agreed?" Harry asked.

"Agreed." Everyone nodded.

"Dad!" Henry spoke up.

Harry turned to his son. "Yes?"

"I'm taking Holden to Lover's Lake, we can sneak in that way with our Cecaelian powers. That's where I left Briella and Mason." Henry explained.

Harry glanced at his wife before looking at the boys. "Go, we'll meet you inside. If possible, get Briella and Mason to safety, understood?"

"Understood!" The boys answered before taking off.

Harry watched them leave before turning back to everyone else. "Well everyone, let's storm a castle shall we?"

Author's Note

And the battle for Auradon begins! There is going to be so much going on the next few chapters and I cannot wait to get it written! Enjoy and see you all soon!


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