The Truth Isn't Always Easy to Tell Part 1

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Ulma wiped the sweat from her forehead as her team gathered around. They were tied 1 to 1 against the Northern Wei Warriors R.O.A.R. team and were preparing for their final match.

"Alright guys, all we need to do is win this round and we beat the warriors. I want you to divide into pairs and watch each other's backs." She instructed.

Su nodded in agreement. "The only way we win is together. How do you want us to divide up?"

Ulma glanced around at her team. She had watched them practice and play long enough that she knew who worked well together. Ulma prepared to give her orders when something, or rather someone, caught her attention in the stands.

There, in his royal attire, was King Chad of Charmington and Auroria. She couldn't remember the last time he had attended one of their matches. Ulma glanced at Connor and quickly revised her pairings, this was his moment to shine.

"Max with Amira, Matt with Willow, Trevor with Myla, Su and Connor your with me." She ordered watching as the warriors broke their huddle across the arena. "Let's do this."


Connor stared at her with wide eyes. "You want me watching your back? I'm not that good Ulma, you should switch me and Trevor."

Ulma placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder and smiled. "Connor, you've been practicing so hard, you can do this."

He nodded solemnly as he followed the team into the arena. Ulma was the Captain, ready or not, he had to have her back.

As they made there way to the center of the arena, Connor felt a hand grab his shoulder. He turned to see Trevor had walked up beside him.

"Relax man, just do your best. Ulma wouldn't have you watching her back if she didn't trust that you could do it." Trevor grinned, patting his back. "You're gonna do great man."

"Y-Yeah thanks." Connor stuttered nervously as he glanced towards the rest of their team. "Well, um, we should get in position."

Connor got into position as the two teams lined up, facing each other as they prepared for the signal that was to come.

The referee stepped forward and called out the orders to start the match. "Assemble. Salute. Lower the point. Masks down. En Garde. Begin!"

The Auradon Knights immediately split into their pairs back to back as they faced the oncoming Warriors. Ulma, Su, and Connor formed a triangle in the center, their swords out and ready to strike.

Trevor and Myla tagged out their opponents quickly. The daughter of Merida moved with lightning fast reflexes as she jumped in to cover Matt, blocking an oncoming attack as his partner, Willow, moved to the sidelines having been taken out.

Her mother may be known for her skills with a bow, but she had found her own promise with the sword.

Trevor moved the opposite direction as Amira struggled to fight off two Warriors without Max, who had quickly been eliminated.

Trevor's sword rang out with a clang as it collided with his opponents. "I got your back, Street Rat!"

Amira laughed as she dodged her opponent, jumping off a nearby box and tagging the surprised Warrior in the back before getting the leg of an opponent attempting to sneak up on Trevor. "Right back at you Frog Prince!"

Things were looking good for the Knights until the Warriors took to the walls. In one swift moment two of the Warriors broke free of the fight and ran up the walls. They reached out their swords, surprising the Knights and in one duel-coordinated movement, Trevor, Myla, and Su were eliminated.

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