A Grandfather's Love

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Blue met brown as they locked eyes. Instantly, a look of sheer determination was replaced with shock as the man stumbled back. He stared at her with wide eyes as his sword clattered to the deck. "Ulma?"

"Hi Grandpa." She said, smiling sheepishly while sheathing her sword.

A wide grin spread on Captain Hook's face as he rushed forward, swooping her into a tight hug. "I can't believe it! Yer here, on the Isle!" He stepped back to look her over, the smile never leaving his face. "Look how much ye've grown! Yer a grown up lass now!

Ulma beamed at her Grandfather's praise. "Thank you and I can't believe it either. I've always wanted to meet you in person."

Her words fell on deaf ears as Captain Hook looked excitedly around the deck. "Where's the rest of yer family? Harry? Uma? Boys? If yer hid'n ye can come out now!"

The deck remained empty as the echo of his voice faded out. Captain Hook slowly turned to his granddaughter who was now fidgiting nervously with the hilt of her sword. "Ulma, where is everyone?"

She slowly turned away, looking back towards the mainland. "They're at home."

Captain Hook's eyes widened as he turned Ulma to face him. "Lass, look at me."

She slowly lifted her gaze to meet his. "Are you mad at me?"

"No lass, I'm not angry with ye." He said, shaking his head. "I just don't understand. Why would ye run away from home? Why would ye come here alone? Didn't yer parents warn you how dangerous the Isle is?"

Ulma clenched her fists as her body shook. "I understand the risks I took coming here, but I'm tired of only knowing half of who I am." Tears pricked in her eyes as she met his gaze. "I know all about your side of the family but mom won't tell me anything about hers! I need answers. I need to talk to Grandma Ursula."

Captain Hook sighed as he punched the bridge of his nose. "Ulma, It's not safe for ye here. As much as I want ye to stay, we need to call yer parents and get ye home. The Isle is no place for a child."

Her eyes widened as she grabbed his hook, stopping him from leaving. "Grandpa please! Just let me stay tonight!"

"If yer parents find out not only will ye be in trouble but so will I! I only see all of ye once a month on the telly! Ulma,..." He took a deep breath, placing his hand over hers as they held tight to his hook. "our contact is limited as it is. I can't risk losing ye completely. Don't make this any harder than it already is lass."

Ulma let go of the hook and wrapped her arms around his torso, hugging him tightly. "Mom thinks I'm sleeping at a friends house. She won't know I'm gone unless I don't come home tomorrow night. I don't want to get you in trouble but please, let me stay one night. You can take me to see Grandma Ursula, and then I'll go home. I promise. Please?"

Captain Hook sighed. "I don't know lass. Are ye sure she won't notice? What about yer dad?"

She slowly stepped back, her gaze focused on the deck. "He's on a six month training deployment for the navy. They won't be coming back to port for another month."

"He's going to miss yer birthday." He realised, placing a hand on her shoulder.

"Third year in a row." Ulma laughed bitterly.

Captain Hook's face fell at her words. "I'm sorry lass."

She shrugged, walking over to lean against the side of the ship. "It doesn't matter grandpa, I'm used to it."

He shook his head as he walked over and draped an arm around her shoulders, pulling her close. "It does matter. Yer turning sixteen! I'd give anything to go back and make up for all those birthdays I missed with yer dad and aunts."

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