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Hayden felt like he was flying as he ran through the streets of Auradon. Part of him knew he should go home and let Hadie know he was alright, but all he could think about was making it back to Ulma's side.

He dodged the people on the sidewalk as he ran, ignoring their cries and protests. If they knew why he was running, they wouldn't be so quick to fuss.

Hayden had nearly made it to the hospital when someone walked out in front of him. The two collided, sending them both tumbling to the ground.

"Hey, watch where your going freak!" The boy snapped as he picked himself up off the ground.

"I'm so sorry!" Hayden replied sitting up. "Are you alright?"

However, the boy was no longer paying attention. He was now focused on an object in his hands. Hayden's eyes widened, it was Ulma's amulet.

"Hey that's mine! Give it back!" He cried scrambling to his feet, reaching to take the amulet.

The boy smirked holding it out of his reach. "Looks pretty valuable. I think it would be enough to cover the damage you've done today."

"You don't understand! I need that amulet!" Hayden pleaded. "It my only chance to save my friend! Please, give it back!"

"That's quite a story." The boy laughed. "Too bad I don't believe it. Now get out of my way."

Hayden stared at the boy in disbelief. Who knew someone from Auradom could be as terrible as someone from the Isle.

He held out his hand, lighting a small flame. He could feel the flames flickering on his head as he glared at the boy. "I'm giving you one last chance, give me the amulet."

Fear filled the boy's eyes as he backed away, staring in disbelief. "H-How? T-That's impossible!"

"I don't think I properly introduced myself. I'm----"


"Connor?" The flames dissipated as Hayden turned to stare at the familiar face. But he wasn't alone, Connor was flanked by two red haired boys.

"What's going on? What's with the flames?" Connor asked, moving to stand beside him.

Hayden pointed to the boy in front of him. "That jerk has Ulma's amulet! I asked nicely but he won't give it back."

The three boys turned to look at the person in front of them. It wasn't a surprise who it was.

"Seth White, I should have known." Connor growled.

The two red haired boys approached him from either side, surrounding him.

"You picked a bad time to be jerk, Seth." The first one warned.

"Yeah," the second joined in. "It's one thing to steal a necklace, but to prevent someone's life from being saved? That's low, even for you."

Hayden grinned at the three boys as he lit another flame in his palm and set his hair ablaze. "So I suggest you give me that amulet, because I am the descended from god of the underworld himself. And I hear Hell is unbearable this time of year."

Seth looked around him at the four boys, his eyes wide with surprise and fear.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! Take it!" Seth cried, throwing the amulet to Connor. "I'm getting out of here!"

Seth took off running as the two red headed boys began to laugh.

"That's right you better run!"

"Serves you right White!"

Connor turned to Hayden and placed the amulet in his hand. "So this is it? This amulet will save Ulma?"

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