Liar, Liar

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Ulma took off her helmet as her team gathered around. "Great practice everyone. Don't forget that our next match is against the Sherwood Falcons. We have to be at our best if we are going to win. They're not one of the best in the league for nothing. Now go get changed."

The team dispersed, heading into the locker rooms as Conner took a seat on the bench nearby.

Trevor, who had started towards the locker rooms, turned back around when he realized Connor wasn't following. "Aren't you coming?"

"I can't." He sighed as Trevor came to sit beside him. "The trainer my dad hired will be here soon. Part of my new two hour extra practice regimen."

Trevor shook his head in disbelief. He knew King Chad was a strict father, but this was just harsh. "We already practice for two hours, your going to burn yourself out practicing four hours everyday. Not to meantion you could hurt yourself. I know he has his expectations, but this is going to far!"

"I know and I appreciate your concern Trev, but we both know that once my father sets his mind to something there's no changing it." Connor admitted, fiddling with the sword in his lap.

Trevor nodded, wrapping his arm around Connor's shoulders, giving him a comforting squeeze. "Well I guess there's only one thing to do now."

Confusion flashed across his face as he turned to face his boyfriend. "What?"

"Stay and practice with you. Your dad never said you had to do this alone." Trever smirked.

Connor's mouth gaped in surprise as his words sunk in. "I couldn't ask you to do that. Then we'll both be burnt out."

"But at least we'll be burnt out together." Trevor reasoned.

"No way! I could never let you do that. This is my punishment and... hmph!

Connor's eyes widened at the presence of Trevor's lips against his. But after the shock wore off, he allowed himself to relax into the kiss.

Slowly the two pulled away, Tevor with a smirk and Connor with a shy smile. However, the moment was short lived as clapping and cheering broke the silence. The boys turned around to find the entire team behind them and their faces reddened at the realization that they had been caught.

"Well it's about time." Ulma chuckled, placing her hands on her hips.

"Yeah we thought we we're going to have to play match maker." Max admitted with a laugh.

"Or lock you in a room together until you admitted your feelings." Matthew added.

Max jabbed his brother in the side as Myla stepped forward. "What the Darling Dinguses are trying to say is that we're all happy for ya lads."

"Yeah!" The twins agreed before realizing exactly what she had said. "Hey!"

The team laughed as the boys relaxed and smiled. It felt good to be surrounded by friends who cared.

"Thanks everyone, hearing that means a lot." Connor  smiled.

"Definately." Trevor agreed.

The team nodded and said their goodbyes, leaving Ulma alone with the happy couple.  She walked over to Trevor, keeping her eyes glued to his.

"Trevor we've been friends since preschool." She began. "But if you hurt him, I will curse you. Got it?"

"Yes mam!" Trevor nodded, giving her a small salute.

Ulma nodded, satisfied with his answer. "Alright, I'll see you both tomorrow. Try not to over work yourselves. I'm sure if you tell the trainer you've already been practicing they'll go a little easier on you."

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