Under the Sea: Part 3

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Serena closed her eyes and placed a hand over her amulet. Suddenly, it began to pulse with light, floating up and pointing towards the west.

"Follow me." Serena smiled. "My amulet will guide us."

Hayden nodded and the three began to swim through the graveyard before heading back out into the open ocean.

"How long will it take us to get there?" Hayden asked curiously.

"It's not far from here." Serena replied. "I was surprised myself by how close it is the first time I went."

Hayden nodded, relieved the journey wouldn't be too long. Sally on the other hand, had decided to take it easy and ride atop his head. As she sat Sally began to sing a quiet tune. "Under the sea, down where its wetter that's where it's better take it from me!"

"What is with you and my head?" Hayden laughed, using a finger to playfully poke at Sally.

She giggled. "I like your hair it's soft, and blue!"

Hayden and Serena both chuckled at her comment as they swam along, happy to see Sally so excited.

"You know, for one who has had such trouble trusting others, you've been relatively calm about all this." Serena stated nonchalantly.

Hayden's eyes widened. "Your reading told you about that?"

"My talent allows me to extract any and all information I need to make proper assessments." Serena explained. "Your thoughts, feelings, memories, I saw them all."

"Then you know my childhood was not a pleasant one." Hayden replied, his voice soft. "Fear became the enemy and avoidance became a survival instinct. Ulma was the first person I ever allowed myself to truly trust."

Serena nodded. "That's why you're so desperate to save her. She's the only person who ever made you feel like you weren't a freak. Her love and compassion is something you admire. In the darkness, she became your light."

Hayden felt a smile form on his lips. "Yeah, that's exactly right. Without her, I don't know where I'd be. Probably, hiding from my father and scrounging for scraps on the Isle."

"Everything happens for a reason Hayden. You were meant to find eachother." She assured him.

Hayden stared at her curiously. "Why is that?"

"I cannot tell you the details, but you are like two sides of the same coin, ying and yang, fire and water, waves and embers. Different yet connected." She smiled warmly. "You balance each other. She calms your fire while you warm her waters."

"I understand, thank you." Hayden smiled. He had always known deep down that what he and Ulma had was special, but he had no idea it went that deep.

"We're here." Serena announced, snapping him from his thoughts.

Hayden looked up and his brow furrowed in confusion. "But this is just a rock wall. Where's the cave?"

Serena giggled, taking his hand in hers. "Looks can be decieving."

Before he had time to ask what she meant, Serena pulled him towards the rock wall, swimming at full speed.

"Serena stop!" Hayden cried, trying to pull away. "Were gonna......crash."

His eyes widened when he realized they were now standing inside a cave. "How....?"

"It's an illusion, to protect the cave from those who would seek it out with malicious intent." Serena explained.

"Well couldn't you have told me that before dragging me towards a rock wall!?" Hayden deadpanned.

Serena snickered, a smirk growing on her face. "What's the fun in that?"

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