Stand Strong

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The small group had inched their way closer and closer to the castle. Harry was watching the battle between Hades and Mal, coordinating their movements with when Hades back was turned.

They were now near the steps that lead to the castle's entrance. One more distraction by Mal and they would be inside. He followed their movements and when Hades turned away, he pointed to the door, signaling them to run.

The small group bolted towards the door but before they could set foot on the steps, a wall of blue flames surrounded the castle.

"Fools!" Hades cackled. "Did you really think I didn't see you sneaking about? Look at your faces, you really thought you had a chance? Wrong!"

"You won't succeed Hades!" Harry shouted. "You may be a god, but you are outnumbered here!"

Hades laughed. "Do you really think I'm afraid of a bunch of mortals? Magic or no you're no match for me!"

Hades raised his ember and aimed it at the small group on the ground. Harry saw the blast erupting from the ember and turned, wrapping his arms around his wife and daughter, shielding them from the blast.

A loud screech and a thud came from behind them and they turned to see dragon Mal on the ground. Harry realized she had used her own body to shield them from the blast.

"Mal!" Uma screamed, running towards her friend.

The others followed and as they neared the dragon, they watched as it was engulfed in purple smoke. As it cleared, they saw Mal on the ground struggling to get up.

Harry and Uma grabbed her arms and hoisted her up. She coughed and was shaky on her feet before becoming stable.

"Are ye alright Mal?" Harry asked.

"I'm fine, I promise." Mal replied, straightening herself up. "But we have to stop him before he kills Ben!"

Mal stumbled once more but Harry grabbed her before she could hit the ground, shaking his head. "You need to rest, you took quite a hit."

"No." Mal said defiantly. "I am the Queen of Auradon, it is my duty to protect this kingdom. I will not stand down."

"I'm the queen, it's my duty." Hades mocked. "Pathetic! You have become weak!"

Hades sent off another blast. This time, Mal grabbed Uma's hand and began focusing her magic on the air in front of her. Slowly, a green shield began to take shape in front of them. Uma's eyes widened whe. She realized what Mal was doing and began to do the same.

Focusing their magic together the shield became stronger and when the blast hit, it sent them stumbling back a bit but they were unharmed.

"How did you learn to do that?" Uma asked.

"Merlin has been teaching me defensive magic." Mal explained. "The more magic being focused, the stronger the shield."

"Then I guess it's a good thing we're here."

They all turned to see Jay followed by Lonnie, Carlos, Jane, Gil, Quinn, Gus, Tony, Fairy Godmother, and Evie who had all come to help after receiving Ginny's call.

"Evie! What are you doing here!?" Mal scolded. "You're nearly 9 months pregnant you can't fight!"

"Mal I am not letting you do this without me." Evie retorted. "Auradon has become our second home and I'm going to fight for it just like all of you! Like it or not I'm here to stay."

"I'm glad you all came, but I think this battle requires magic users only." Mal explained. "I don't want you all getting hurt."

"My dad was a genie before he got sent to the Isle, pretty sure I have a little magic." Jay smirked.

"And mommy had to have a little magic to disguise her self from Snow White. So I'm pretty sure I have some magic." Evie argued.

"Now, now this is no time to bicker." Fairy godmother scolded. "Everyone has a bit of magic in them. That's why true loves kiss works everytime."

"So I have magic?" Carlos asked in disbelief.

Fairy Godmother nodded. "Yes, though its not enough for you to be able to use it on your own, together your magic will be amplified."

"The let's hold hands and work together just like mom and Aunt Mal did!" Ulma spoke up, finally able to get a word in. "Also where's Uncle Doug?"

Evie chuckled. "He's at home taking care of the kids. Yuh our Uncle isn't much of a fighter I'm afraid."

"Wait, when you say you left him home with the kids do you mean just yours or....?" Mal inquired.

"Everyone's." Evie laughed, gesturing towards the group.

Mal stared at her with wide eyes. "You left him with 11 kids! Have you lost your mind!?"

"Relax Mal, if Doug can handle six, he can handle five more." Evie replied, brushing her off. "Besides, we have a kingdom to save."

Everyone grabbed hands and focused their magic in front of them, blocking Hades blasts as he laughed maniacally from the top of the castle.

"Mom how are we going to fight if we're busy trying to block him?" Ulma asked.

Uma looked uncertainly at her daughter. "I don't know. We'll just have to find an opening. For now, just focus your magic."

"Your little shield won't hold forever!" Hades cackled. "You heroes are weak!"

Ulma's anger bubbled, she was tired of Hades' mocking.

"We are not weak!" Ulma yelled. "As long as we stand together, we are strong! Everyone has magic, they just have to believe its inside them! We will never stop fighting! For Auradon!"

"For Auradon!" Everyone cheered.

The small group stood strong, blocking Hades attacks as Fairy Godmother attempted to make some of her own. But they were blocked everytime.

"It's not working!" Ulma cried.

Uma squeezed her hand. "Just stand strong."

Ulma continued to focus her magic, her necklace glowing bright like her mother's. Amongst the sound of Hades blasts hitting their shield, Ulma's ears suddenly picked up a new sound.

"For Auradon! For Auradon! For Auradon! For Auradon!"

Ulma looked around and saw people approaching from all sides, chanting as they came to join the fight. When she looked to the right, the direction of Auradon Prep, she saw two familiar figures leading the charge.

"Max! Matthew!" Ulma called out, unsure whether to laugh or cry at the sight of her friends. Behind them, the R.O.A.R team, students, and teachers had all gathered.

"Hades is broadcasting the battle all over Auradon! We heard what you said and decided we should come help, all of us. For Auradon!" Max cheered, grabbing her hand as Matthew grabbed his.

"For Auradon!" Everyone cheered as they joined hands. Now, their circle extended around the castle and was continuing to grow.

"I am a god!" Hades roared. "You cannot defeat me!"

He raised his ember to send another blast, but before it could hit they were blinded by green smoke.

Author's Note

Finally! The battle is heating up and more is coming soon!


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