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Laurel took her mum's call while entering the bathroom in a big tee and panties. She dreaded her phone calls, she always wanted something. She never called to check on her or ask how she was doing, but always for something. That is what her relationship with her mom had become.

"Hello, mother." She answered, frowning her face while at it.

"Hey Laurel! I have some news." She always hated the way her mum pronounced her name. Oh maybe she did because her mum was the only one pronouncing it like that. Her mother had a way of lengthening it that just sounded so snobby and unreal.

"What's up?" She asked with no emotion at all.

"Your sister, Iris she recently graduated high school with very good grades. High GPA , yes. It actually seems like she has a high chance to get into a good school." She could tell by her mum's tone that she was so excited. It hurt Laurel because her mum never sounded like that with anything she achieved in life. Not that she had achieved a lot, anyway.

"That's great, mum. I'm actually really proud of her." Laurel said truthfully.

"Yes, yes we all are. Now you know I'm very passionate about all my children reaching somewhere and there is nothing I want more than Iris continuing her education." Her mother led on.

"Okay." she didn't really understand why her mum was still going on about this. Was she just trying to throw it in her face.

"Yeah, now she's still looking up a few colleges and seeing where she can apply. Nothing too expensive, don't worry." Her mum went on.

"Uhm, o-okay. Why would I worried?" Laurel nervously said, catching her reflection in the mirror.

"Because honey you're going to help out. We know you work very hard there where you are and we appreciate all the help you send us back here but you know that the small jobs we do here can't support a college student." She said so calmly as Laurel just watched her blank expression in the mirror.

Of course it can't support a college student that's why I didn't go.

"You want me to pay Iris's college tuition?"

"Why are you saying it like it's a bad thing? Do you not wish well for your sister?" Her mum answered.

"No, of course I want what's best for her but it seems unfair. I didn't go to college, now you want me to pay for hers. Do you think I make a fortune?" She yelled through the phone. She couldn't keep in her frustration any longer. She hadn't been about to get a job for a month now.

"Oh darling, we both know whose fault that was. I told you if you managed to work hard and get a scholarship you'd go to college but that didn't happen. That's why your father and I did everything so that you don't end up a failure. We raised money, we moved you there you got a job. You have to be thankful for what your family has done for you." Her mother scolded, sounding very angry.

"By paying for Iris's tuition?" Laurel voice was short of breath, she couldn't believe what she was hearing.

"Yes, just because things didn't go well for you doesn't mean Iris has to suffer the same. At least let's someone in the family with a college degree." Her words were so sharp as though she wanted them to go straight to Laurel's heart. Which they did.

"But-" She was going to tell her mum she hadn't had any luck getting another job in the past four weeks. "But you know I can't afford that. College is very expensive."

"Sweetheart, you are not listening to me. Of course I don't mean take her to Harvard. She is going to get into a nice college that you can afford."

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