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It was a cold afternoon, the rain had just stopped pouring and Jason was by himself in his car. He had a lot on his mind lately and most times he just needed some alone time to make sense of it all. He had recently been divorced with the love of his life or so he thought. It was a huge transformation for him. Before when she left him at first, it was different but now it's finalized. They are out of each other's lives. There were disagreements but they both tried to make it as amicable as possible. 

As far as Jason knew she has been the love of his life since forever, high school sweetheart to college lover to being engaged. He believed if he had never meant Laurel and Jill left and came back, they would still be married. That's not the case because he did meet Laurel and he unexpectedly fell in love with her. She didn't even have to do anything or try anything, just her being herself made Jason happy.

And he will never forget how Ivy told him that Laurel liked him. He wondered if she still did, if underneath all that hate were some feelings for him.

Suddenly his phone started to ring, distracting him from his thoughts for a moment. 

He answered it in an instant, "Hello"

"Jason, hey. Are you good?" The female voice behind the voice said.

He recognized that voice, it was Alicia, who he recognizes as his friends nowadays.

"Hey Alicia, I'm doing well I guess. I mean I've had better days." He answered honestly, usually he was the type pf person to cover up even when the slightest thing was wrong.

"You've been quiet lately. What's been happening?" She asked him.

"A lot actually. There is so much." He let out a sigh. "I can't believe I can have all this free time and still have a lot to deal with." 

"I get you. Do you want to talk about it?"

"I have come to realize that actually makes things somewhat better, so yeah I'd ike to talk about it." Jason chuckled. "And have a friendly opinion, not a professional one, not a family sided one but a friend."

"How about you come over for dinner tonight?"

"Tonight? I never thought I'd hear those words come out of your mouth. Are you asking me out on a date, Alicia?" A small smile played on his face as he teased her.

"Aren't you newly single?" He could feel her smile. "But I'm being serious. Come over. We'll talk over dinner."

"A'right Alicia. I'll be there."

"See you." She said shortly before she hang up.

Alicia and Jason had been friends little over a year and their friendship was strange as ever considering the fact that she used to work for him before. During the time they've been friends this was actually going to be the first time he stepped foot at her place. 

Jason wasn't used to being invited at people's places for dinner. He knew that's what friends do obviously but he really wasn't familiar with it. He was more used to being invited to very fancy dinners with lot's of expensive silverware and people who only knew how to speak corporate, family friends of his father.

Out of that he never really had any friends. You'd be surprised how lonely the life of a CEO or any successful business man can be. There is just no time for friendship nor the ability to commit to them.

This was definitely a new experience, one he got o see through after he quit his job. Of course back then he used to consider Laurel a friend before everything got complicated.


Jason showed up at Alicia's apartment and suddenly felt nervous and a bit nostalgic,  just as the door was opened it was worse than ever, it really hit him because Alicia was pregnant. Nostalgia. This had happened a million times with Laurel. Him knocking, her answering the door. It happened with them a million times and now he missed it and the obvious he can't get her out of head. 

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