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Laurel picked an apple juice box from her fridge, poking a hole through it and handing it over to a patiently waiting Elle. She didn't waste no time wrapping her mouth around it. "H'ank you, mommy." 

She carried her up and placed her in her high seat so she can observe as Laurel prepared breakfast. She also pulled it closer to where she stood.

"What do we feel like today? Pancakes?"

"Yass! Pancakes!" Elle smiled brightly exposing her tiny teeth. Truth is she really loved pancakes and Laurel loved making them for her because they were easy. Sometimes she would make them extra by adding chocolate chips.

"I don't know I've been feeling like a cake lately. A banana cake." Laurel said talking to her daughter. They had conversations like these all the time even with Elle's little input. It's usually a smile or repeating what her mother said. Laurel didn't care it improves on her speech. At this particular moment Elle ignored her with a pout and her big blue eyes. 

"I could bake one because I want it home made. Get a recipe and bake for us. How does that sound?"

If Elle could speak, she would probably say 'but you never bake anything.' but instead she said, "Mama pancakes!"

"Alright alright! Your needs first." Laurel surrendered her idea and started pulling out her ingredients. She thought maybe when Jason shows up she'll get time to bake her cake. That's right Jason was expected that morning. He wanted to spend some more time with Elle and asked Laurel about it and she allowed. He wasn't going to spend all day though apparently he has somewhere to be in the afternoon that's why he chose to come in the morning.

As she prepared the pancakes, it was Elle's turn to make a conversation. She was rumbling on a lot of sounds that did not make sense. When she got tired of that she proceeded to do some singing. Repeating 'lalalala' over and over again. Laurel was tired of it but she loved her daughter too much to complain.

She was just thinking, 'can Jason get here fast enough'

After what seemed like five performances from Elle, Laurel was finally done making her breakfast. She placed a pancake on Elle's plate, cutting it up into small pieces for her. She also picked a few strawberries and cut them into small quarters and put them on the side of her plate.

"You are served, my lady." She put the plate in front of Elle. The doorbell rung meaning Jason was here. Finally. Elle became excited and jumpy. She vigorously moved her body wanting to escape her chair. 

Laurel lifted her out of her chair so they could answer the door together. Elle tried to turn the door handle herself but her hand was barely round it so it failed. Before she turned that into a tantrum, Laurel handled and opened the door.

Jason was at the other end of the door as expected. He was dressed in something that always had him looking dashing, a suit. Laurel raised her eyebrows, it felt like deja vu.

"Hey!" He said enthusiastically looking directing at Elle who was lounging on her mum's lap.

"Heiii.." She answered happily, giggling and putting her tiny hands over her cheeks. Jason walked in sharing a small 'hello' and smile with Laurel. It was the first time they were seeing each other since the day he showed up at her work. It was four days ago. They had phone conversations in-between about the contacts he was supposed to deliver and then his current visit.

Laurel placed Elle down so that she could have her little reunion with Jason. She was literally jumping with joy at the sight of him. As she watched them hug and Jason squat down to her level she noticed he was holding something. Another gift, she thought.

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