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"What did you just say?" Jason keenly asked Elle. She looked on with her big bubbly eyes and a pressed smile. Laurel was staring at Elle too with raised eyebrows. She had never said that before.

"You heard her." He said to Laurel then looking down at Elle. "Say it again."

"Daddy." She said shyly looking away after.

"Oh my goodness! She called me daddy." Jason looked at Laurel in disbelief who hadn't said a word since. She was till trying to wrap all this around her head.

"Yeah, that's right! I am your dad. You can call me daddy." Jason picked her from Laurel and swung her up in the air. She was happy, giggling and smiling.

"Not so much. She's just from waking up." Laurel finally spoke up. She didn't look amused like Jason did. As a matter of fact Jason was over the moon. Immediately he got Elle down as she proceeded to open the passenger door. Elle's carseat was inside. 

"My bad, my bad." He apologized, his eyes locked on Elle checking if she was alright from the swinging. "I was excited is all."

Laurel prepared the carseat opening it up. Jason gently placed her inside. The smile on his face was still very present and very bright. Laurel fastened the belt around her baby making sure she is safe. Jason paid close attention to how she was doing it, doing everything.

"So that's how you do it. Thanks for the lesson." 

Laurel rolled her eyes when she knew Jason wasn't looking. She pulled the few toys that were in the car closer to Elle so she does not strain herself trying to reach them. 

She gently shut the door and moved over to the driver's seat and got inside. Jason followed and got in the seat next to her.

"Elle repeats most of what she hears." Laurel said breaking the silence and also explaining how Elle had said it. 

"All I can say is that I am glad."

Laurel started the car and drove out of there. Her eyes went to the rare view mirror to check on her daughter. She was perfectly fine looking staring out the window.

"This is little weird. Usually it is me driving you, now you're driving me." Jason stated trying to make some conversation during their ride.

"Well, things change." Laurel answered, her hands holding tightly onto the wheel. You were still telling me 'you're between places'." 

"Oh yeah, I was staying somewhere temporarily, renting but I'm moving to another place. I'll be renting there as well. I haven't yet found my forever home." He explained.

"So what's the deal with me not driving you there, is it far?"

"Oh trust me, it is nearer than you think. I really just don't want you driving back alone."

The conversation died there on so Laurel turned on the radio to accompany the silence. It wasn't a long ride, Jason spent most of it turning behind to Elle and trying to engage her. Laurel was silent.

They got to Laurel's apartment building and so she parked on the side of the road. It wasn't so busy and there was a free space so she figured should just park there and move it later.

Immediately she parked, her phone buzzed grabbing her attention. She picked it up immediately with hope that it is Ivy finally getting back to her. On checking she rolled her eyes when she realized it wasn't Ivy texting. She let out an annoyed sound, throwing her phone in her bag. Jason was quiet during this while thing but definitely watching her.

"I'll get her out." Jason said. He didn't wait for her to say anything. He opened the car door and got out to get Elle out of the car. Once Laurel was alone, she threw her head into her palms and let out a deep breath. When she heard Jason open the behind door, she pulled the hair out of her face and put on a straight face.

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