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29 weeks long

It was nine in the morning, a very rough morning on Laurel's side. She woke up very early, she just couldn't find a comfortable position to sleep because her belly was so big now. She was almost seven months. She just got kept tossing and turning until she finally gave up and just lay awake.

After about half an hour she managed to pull a laptop to her bed and get on some binge watching.

There was a small nod on her door, following by Ivy's head peeping through the door.

"Hey, I'm I just got called into work." Ivy randomly said, her fingers tapping on the door to a rhythm.

"Yeah?" Laurel rose her eyebrow.

"I might need a small favour from you." Ivy trailed on, avoiding Laurel's eye.

"What is it?"

Ivy keep quiet for a while as if deciding whether she should ask on not.

"Wait? Do you mean watching Andy?"

Ivy's sister had passed by the previous night dropping off her previous son Andy whom Ivy had promised to watch for the weekend as she attends a wedding. Today was Saturday and Ivy is usually free on Saturdays to a expect when things like this.


"Of course I can watch him. Where am I going? Why are you asking like I'm going to say no?"

"Because I don't know." Ivy fully opened the door and stood firmly. "It's just weird. I mean your pregnant but you don't really want kids and your not keeping this one and here I am asking you to watch one. I feel like its a trigger or something."

To Ivy's surprise, Laurel just chuckled. "Don't be silly. I'll watch him. Go!"

"Thank you for not killing me for just saying that. Oh, and his awake just having breakfast. That means - "

"I've got it. Go, your going to be late."

Ivy skipped out of there leaving Laurel alone. She started thinking, sure it doesn't want kids but she can take care of one. She doesn't dislike them. And what the hell did Ivy mean by the trigger? Trigger what?

She finally gained the energy to leave the bed and walk over to the living room to find the little toddler.

He was peacefully eating something from a bowl which Laurel assumed was cereal. His iPad was placed right in front of him and all his concentration was there.

"Hey, Andy." She caressed his hair making him look up at her with his big adorable eyes. "I'm going to take a shower. Do you need anything?"

He shook his head 'no'

"Okay, if you need anything you know where the bathroom is, right sweetie?"



She walked back to her bedroom to take a shower and have her day started.


"Hey!" Laurel joyfully said, opening the door revealing Jason. Unfortunately, he didn't return the same energy, he just looked drained and down. Things were weird now, they rarely talked and texted. They hadn't seen each other in about two weeks. The texts were just empty and dry.

"I'm sorry. I know I should have called before I showed up." He sounded frustrated and really tired.

"It's okay. What's wrong?" She didn't even need him to say it first. She just knew something was up minus the fact that he just showed up unannounced on a Saturday morning.

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